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Wryebash made dawguard, dragonborn and heathfire disapear from MO


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So I installed wrye bash, followed gamerpoets tutorial, created a patch and boom - I don't have expansions anymore and my entire skyrim is f***ed.

I uninstalled it, since it doesn't work as intended, but the problem now is this:




How do I renable these masters back in MO so I can play again?


The .bsa files are still in my Skyrims data directory, but don't show up in MO or in skyrim launcher.

Edited by znaroks
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They probably got combined into the bash patch. Which version of Wrye Bash did you use? I had this same issue with 307 before it was yanked since it works with SSE also.

306 from skyrim nexus


How can they be still combined in the patch, if I uninstalled wryebash, I even deleted the Bashed Patch?

How do I un-combine them?

Edited by znaroks
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When you made your patch, it probably showed the masters to be incorporated into the patch. Have you looked in your data folder to make sure they are still there? If not, just validate your files through steam, then re-clean them with TesVedit


I don't use MO so someone who does will probably have to help you.

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