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A possible script...if anyone knows how


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Starting 1 compile threads for 1 files...
Compiling "AARiftpoolActivator2"...
F:\Skyrim Folder\TSEV Skyrim LE\Data\Scripts\Source\temp\AARiftpoolActivator2.psc(19,11): type mismatch while assigning to a armor (cast missing or types unrelated)
No output generated for AARiftpoolActivator2, compilation failed.
Batch compile of 1 files finished. 0 succeeded, 1 failed.
Failed on AARiftpoolActivator2






Starting 1 compile threads for 1 files...
Compiling "AARiftPoolEffectScript3"...
F:\Skyrim Folder\TSEV Skyrim LE\Data\Scripts\Source\temp\AARiftPoolEffectScript3.psc(14,25): required (...)+ loop did not match anything at input '='
No output generated for AARiftPoolEffectScript3, compilation failed.
Batch compile of 1 files finished. 0 succeeded, 1 failed.
Failed on AARiftPoolEffectScript3
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Activator: Forgot to cast.


Armor le = PreAddedOutfitsList.GetAt(ix)


Armor le = PreAddedOutfitsList.GetAt(ix) as Armor

Effect: Left off one =


If ToggleVar.GetValue() = 1.0


If ToggleVar.GetValue() == 1.0

Simple little things that anyone can slip up on.

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on it! be back with results!

Before i load iup, am i gonna need to make any extra formlists or global variables? Or can i use the same two?


Ok somethin was definatly changed but now their only choosing from 2 specific outfits. Reguardless of whats in their inventory. mmmmmmmmm


Ok I think ive got it. lemme play around with it for a while and double check everything to make sure it all works. Then ill get back at u with the BIGGEST THANK YOU I CAN THINK OF!.....
to be continued....


Everything is workin just as I intended it to! And I owe it to you my friend. Only one issue remains. Ive been trying to tweak it myself but not sure if I'm tweaking the right script line. What its doing is removing the outfit from their inventory upon exiting even if its on the preadded list. so when they walk back in a 2nd time, it gives them a random outfit.


...Nailed it. Think i got it. will continue testing. =)

Edited by Din2014
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