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Super Simple Follower - just add number of them nothing more


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first let me say that i'm kinda simple mod guy,i don't like mod's that add's tons of things to the game,both features,becauze they are mostly unneeded and unwanted by me and what i realy hate is adding tons of items at tanning racks,forges and vendor's.

For instance i choosed Camping Lite for my camping mod #1 becauze it's so simple that you have feel like it is part of the game,yet still add's verry immersive part to it and i think its even more lore and better in the way how you "build" your camp compare to the most popular camping mod's :)


For the follower's i used long time UFO ,but that's already outdated and buggy like hell..

After that EFF seems good option..but again,its kinda buggy for me,blocked some sidequest's like Noster's helmet and much more...so i was pushed to uninstal it and now i have naked guards that i force recruited with it.


For all those reason's i'm looking (quite a longer time) for simple follower mod that aims to tweak only and only the number of the follower's that can go with you.

Nothing more - no menu - no AI - no quest - no speach lines - only the number of followers,with using vanila system.

So if anyone having such a idea just to tweak the number of followers,or if this kinda mod is already out somewhere and i just can't find it,please let me know.


Thanks and appreciate any tips to simple mod's like that even if they won't be for followers.

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EFF has never been buggy for me, thats what I use, but the title says you want more simple followers? I'm the same way I use 3 mods in particular



(the years have not been kind to them if you use face texs and all I use them mostly for cannon fodder by having them non essential


I lke this one the most, they have their daily lives and travel around and usually look good no matter what texs IMO

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i was thinking something like this http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/36132/?tab=2&navtag=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nexusmods.com%2Fskyrim%2Fajax%2Fmodfiles%2F%3Fid%3D36132&pUp=1

going give it a try



Edit: don't even bother to try this mod, it have the same bug like his "father mod" EFF that ruined my 200hrs game and thus youre unable to invite follower once you dismiss them,and with the lack of force recruit is this mod rendered unuseful aswell.And maybe it clash with the quest again like EFF did.

Edited by kurecore
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Do you use Wyrebash? I think that has an option to change the limit on followers when you build the patch.

No i never used it maybe i'll take a look at it ..


Edit: no such a option there . .only for atronarchs

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Ok i'm done with it, i wont use any follower mod anymore.

I can say now i tryed every good followers mods besides AFT becauze thats simply adds too much.

Theyre just all shity,unstable and in final good for nothing,i didn't find even one thats not buggy or works 100% for all peoples.

Anyway followers cut you on XP's from enemys and block your way most of the time.

And after a week of srewing,testing and trying (i even learn out how to use MO for this cuz NMM stil use your game folder) almost all fllower mod's,I'm happy enought with 6 NPC's in my house with Vanila system :D

Just screw it delete this topic or close it.


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