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Super low FPS while playing normally


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I'm wondering if you had some background process causing a problem on 10 because I and many others have no issue with NV on 10. As for FO3, it works just fine on 10, in fact I've found it to be more stable than on 7.

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I was looking into a different problem, and something I read along with jim_uk's comment about background processes reminded me: it might be the "direct hardware acceleration" setting in DXDIAG for either video or sound.


1. Go to Start -> Run -- type in "dxdiag" and hit OK.
2. Click the "Sound" tab and then click "Test DirectSound" or "Run 64-bit DxDiag" and allow all of the tests to complete.
3. If any errors occur, use the slider to turn off "Hardware Sound Acceleration" by dragging it all the way to the left so it's labeled as "No Acceleration".

4. Run the same test for "Display".
Note: Even if you don't have any errors during the test you can try turning off the acceleration to see if it solves your problem. Turn it back on when you are not playing the game any longer.



Edited by dubiousintent
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