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What video games did you play most as a kid?


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Hmm the most impressive game and earliest 3d game i can remember was this.




Sonic cd and a fiew others was truly ahead of its time, well except the Amiga cd32x wich is another story all together.The cpu in that thing was so far ahead that it was classified for 10 years since the original Amiga came out in 1982.


I had both Snes and this, in my mind sega cd won.


Best game Sonic cd, actually they remade it and its on psn now. Still not the same though.

Edited by Thor.
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Well, I used to have some really old brick of a Macintosh called... a Macintosh 626 or something I think. I would play games like Lemmings and Prince of Persia, and what I think must be a really obscure game as I have never heard any mention of it - Space Station Pheta, in which you ran around a little 2D donkey Kong like level, with limited oxygen, trying to get to a flag or something. But what really blew my mind at the time, was the level editor... and me and a friend used to sink countless hours making tonnes of levels...
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