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Stuck in Whiterun, with the guards.


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So I just started playing Skyrim on the PC today... and I'm already stuck lmao.


Okay, so I'm in Whiterun, trying to turn in that tablet thing to that dude, but earlier in the game I had stolen that horse lol because I was a noob and had no idea what I was doing. So when I was approached by a guard about what I had done, at first I went to pay the money, I had plenty to spare but accidently hit the wrong button, "I'd rather die" or whatever that says. So now I'm sitting here with no health, respawning in a group of guards, dying with one hit. I can't even move. This happens over and over.


How do I get outta this!! It's pissing me off! I don't have any past save moments to fall back to, as I use auto save.

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Then go back to the autosave right before you messed up. The autosaves and quicksaves seem much more stable to play from (for me anyway) than they have been in other ES games.


Regardless, it's looking like you'll either be starting over or using some kinda save! Good luck, that sucks :facepalm:

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what i'd do: i'd press the ~ to bring up the console, type tgm, hit enter <- enables god mode

i'd fast travel somewhere else, or just run away from them, and when they aren't after me (perhaps enter some caves or something to be sure they got lost) i'd go back to whiterun but with my weapon sheathed ( r ) i think this should solve your problem, but i think you'll have to pay the bounty again (or type player.additem f 2000 [where 2000 is an example, don't know how much your bounty is]) or spend some time in jail. i don't know console commands to clear bounty or something, i hope this will help

Edited by luul
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If you're just with one guard you can open the command menu click on the guard and type "stopcombat" and then type "prid 14" and type "activate <ID>" where <ID> is the serial code for the guard you had clicked on. This will cause the guard to sheath his weapons and talk to you repeating the dialog. If there are more than one or if you have a follower this may not work as the guard will continue the combat with your follower instead of talking to you.


In that case I suggest using either "tgm" or "kill". "tgm" is god mode as described above and kill is an instant kill command, just click on the target and then type it in. If you feel bad about it later you can resurrect them with the command "resurrect 1", it respawns them.

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