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Different Categories for Different Mods


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I've noticed that all of the mods (Skyrim particularly since its the only one I'm going through) are all clunked into one large topic thread. In my opinion it would 100x better if it was separated into different Upload Threads.


For example if you are making Weapon Mods, then it should be located into a Weapons Upload Thread, if you are making and uploading armor mods, then it should be within the armor/clothing Thread. So when you go to the Upload mods it should have separated threads like this.


Upload Mods (Weapons Only)


Upload Mods (Armor/Clothing Only)


Upload Mods (Cosmetics Only)


etc, etc.


This way in my opinion it would look a lot more neat and would be much more lenient in its accessibility to try and search for specific mods, instead of what we have right now.

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Welcome, Jinkzm;


You just haven't found the "Advanced Search" option yet. Let's you do exactly what you're asking:




Happy Modding! :thumbsup:

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I believe Jinkzm is trying to access the files through the forum, not the sites. On the forum there's only one section for mod comment threads with no subsections.


Yes, this is basically what I'm referring too, and I apologize, I couldn't think of the right terminology but its exactly what you said and that's asking for Subsections to make searches that much easier. Kind of like how certain "Sims" sites (completely different game all together but just making a point) will have different subsections for different mods (Hairstyles, body styles, clothing etc, etc). Again, I feel that things like this would only improve the forums here so their is less complications.

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Confused: :psyduck: Why would you look for mods on the forums instead of the mod downloads section?


The forum topic for each mod is just a mirror of the comments from the downloads section - made into a forum for ease of use. It doesn't matter which you post in, it is reflected on the other one anyway. Then, each individual mod forum topic links back to the mod download page for that mod so you can go to it directly from the forum.

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