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Another frustrated noob


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OK. I've read the mods for dummies and I've read the mod maunals and I still can't figure out how to get Natural bodies to work.


I have DAO Modmanager installed and working. I had no problem with the Morrigan robe mod and Dialogue Tweaks seems to be installed correctly. But when I try to drag the compressed or uncompressed mod for Natural bodies into the DAOMM I get the message that it's not a dazip or override file. What am I missing?

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If you've extracted it properly from the "Natural Bodies all in one 3_0-554.7z" downloaded file (CRC: 18887B15),

you should have "NBaio.override", (file size: 254,383,347 bytes, or approximately ¼ GB!)


That's the file you drag-n-drop (or simply copy) into the correct location in DAMM. (Which is the "Installed Overrides" section. Middle panel of upper half, not the lower section where .dazip files go.) :thumbsup:

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If you've extracted it properly from the "Natural Bodies all in one 3_0-554.7z" downloaded file (CRC: 18887B15),

you should have "NBaio.override", (file size: 254,383,347 bytes, or approximately ¼ GB!)


That's the file you drag-n-drop (or simply copy) into the correct location in DAMM. (Which is the "Installed Overrides" section. Middle panel of upper half, not the lower section where .dazip files go.) :thumbsup:


Hmmm.... My file is only 175,676,037 bytes, so something must have gone wonky. Unless there is a better solution (???), I will delete everything connected with the file and try to get another download. :wallbash:

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I've deleted and re-downloaded the file, extracted it from the 7z and again tried to drag and drop it into the DAMM (upper section, {lower sectioin, too just to confess}), but it still doesn't recognize it as an override file. By the way, the new download came in at the 175,677 kb level also. That is what the site states is the size of the file - I can't find any reference to the larger size file you mention.


One other question - I don't know what the "CRC:18887B15" is. What should I know about that?


Sorry to be such a pest, but I'm perplexed.

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1. Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) value is a way to verify that you have an unaltered version of a file. You can compare the value with that obtained from a known good copy. If they're the same you have a very high degree of confidence that the file is exactly the same.


2. The 250,000 KB file size is the EXTRACTED "NBaio.override" file.



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My archive creation and extraction program happens to be "WinZip Pro", which is what's in use in the screenshot above.


But in this case you can use any one of the many programs out there that can handle the 7-zip (".7z") format. Literally doesn't matter, as long as when you start with the file "Natural Bodies all in one 3_0-554.7z", you end up with the extracted file "NBaio.override", which should total exactly 254,383,347 bytes.

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