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RAGE and Kane and Lycnh 2


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The companies that made these games decided to spend all the money that would go towards bribing game critics and spent them on enhancing game play. The reviews Ive seen on these games are insane half of the issues written about them are completely made up and everything unique and special about the games arent even mentioned in most cases.



RAGE: I clocked 36 hours of gametime within 5 days of getting this game and Im going to tell you that you have not had fun until youve decapitated someone with a wingstick and then blown up his buddies with an RC car strapped with C4. Yes the game ran horribly on launch. Why? The graphics card companies didnt release the proper drivers on launch so no one had the software to run the game. Id however did drop the ball by not letting us tweak the graphics settings but this has already been fixed.


Obviously the graphics of the game are amazing and the gameplay features and story couldnt be more perfect for it. Just remember that this is a FPS and not a Fallout game which is what all the critics seem to have expected it to be. All in all the game is exactly what Id was trying to make a modernized shooter and it shows Id isnt a dinosaur they invented the FPS with Wolfenstein and Doom and re-invented it with RAGE.



Kane and Lynch 2: When I got this game I played it for 3 hours in 1 session. Then I collapsed in the bathroom. Okay not really but thats what I felt like. This is the only games ive played in years that made me tired(physically worn out.) in years. The action is so intense Im surprised people didnt get PTSD from it. In short they succeeded in hitting that "most realistic combat experience ever " mark.


A lot of what I saw complaining about this game was that it had "repetitive and boring gameplay." Um...its a cover shooter, its gears of war but instead of chainsaw guns you have throw-able gas cans and your shooting at people. You know what I hated about half life 2? The fact that you were playing a completely different game every freaken level. Smart game developers know gameplay needs to be regular and continuous unless you cannot for the life of you make good gameplay.


The other thing I found that people were complaining about was the camera. It gave people motion sickness and looked like crap they said. Well, people also get seizures from playing games, your own medical history is not the fault of the game developers. As for the camera no other game has ever used anything like it and i really hope the trend continues. The static, light glare, and other effects that make it look like a real camera adds to the intensity of the game(it simulates pain reactions and sensory overload of loud noises like explosions.). The camera style also allows the game to go where no game has gone before since all nudity and extreme gore is covered up by digital censoring effect it lets them add more violence and nudity. In fact in 1 level your entirely naked and its not like MGS2 wear you are covering up your crotch the whole time and can suddenly do cartwheel kicks.




In conclusion: Game critics are the worst and you should really get these games if you like FPSs or cover shooters.

Edited by ModelV
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I stopped listening to these people a long time ago, the gaming press is part of the industry and will not bite the hand that feeds it. Remember the Dragon Age 2 reviews from PC gamer and The Escapist? PC gamer said "The best RPG combat ever." and gave it a 94 while The Escapist gave it top marks despite the fact that the reviewer had obviously never played the game, oddly the review also used exactly the same marketing speak as EAs marketing twonks.
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I usually just go to Youtube and try to find videos of games I'm interested in, instead of reading reviews. This way I can get a feel of what the game is all about and see if it's something I might enjoy. The only reviewer I really like is TotalBiscuit with his "WTF Is..." videos.
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I absolutely have to agree with you on RAGE, it was brilliant, the graphics were incredible and the characters really memorable but seeing as i have an AMD graphics card, playing this game was initially a nightmare ... but that was fixed shortly afterwards with Steam giving updates for the graphics card.


I seldom check the reviews for games - honestly I don't kniow who to trust - but i won't trust our local PC gaming magazines ... they're paid for their reviews.

I normally end up buying the gaming and have buyers remorse shortly thereafter if it sucks.

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Ok so maybe this is off-topic but I really dont want to start a new thread ... But has anyone seen the promo for the New Max Payne 3 ... I was in the gaming store today and after seeing the games "bullet time" punt, I started getting butterflies ... it looks incredible.
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Ok so maybe this is off-topic but I really dont want to start a new thread ... But has anyone seen the promo for the New Max Payne 3 ... I was in the gaming store today and after seeing the games "bullet time" punt, I started getting butterflies ... it looks incredible.


Its been that way through all the Max Payne games. I'd suggest you pick them up, as the third one really doesnt stick with the style that made the other games great.

Dont expect a graphical marvel, but the story is REALLY deep, the games are long without being a bore, and the gameplay itself is just the icing on the cake.

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No offense, but no. I played Rage upon release, and it was one of the worst experiences with a game in my entire life. First I struggled to simply get the game to go past the campaign intro. Every time just as it ended, it would either crash or revert me back to main menu. Fine, so I looked around for fixes and someone told me to simply lower my resolution and turn off the AA. Then it actually let me play, even though I was really miffed at having to change my settings to something below native. Then the moment I step out of the Ark, I am not filled by a sense of wonder at the environment, I am filled with a sense of disgust as textures pop in everywhere. I can literally look at a wall, turn my back and look back again and the wall texture would have to reload. Not only that, but the game has the worst case of screen-tearing I've ever seen, and no V-Sync setting in sight.


Fine, so I wait and eventually someone releases config files that allow me to play the game with a minimum amount of texture pop-in. Still annoying, but somewhat playable. Forcing V-Sync on the exe fixes the tearing issues. Still get a bit choppy gameplay on my AMD card, but I give it a chance. Two hours later, I uninstall the game because it is simply boring me to death. Then I reinstall Bulletstorm and play a proper FPS.

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