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How to make this work?


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I found a pretty useful script, but I don't know anything about floats so I don't know how to make it work!

Scriptname reregisterscript extends ObjectReference
Float fPreviousUpdate
Float fUpdateTime = 1.5
Float fMinimumUpdateTime = 0.1
Int iCounter

Event OnSomeEvent() ;The first time that you register for an update   
fPreviousUpdate = Utility.GetCurrentGameTime()  

Event OnUpdateGameTime()   
    Float fCurrentTime = Utility.GetCurrentGameTime()   
    Float fNumUpdates = (fCurrentTime - fPreviousUpdate) * 24 / fUpdateTimer    
    Int iNumUpdates = Math.Floor(fNumUpdates)   
    If(iNumUpdates > 0) iCounter += 1 * iNumUpdates 
    Else iCounter += 1  
    fPreviousUpdate = fCurrentTime  
    Float fRemainingTime = fUpdateTime * (1.0 - (fNumUpdates - (iNumUpdates as Float))) 
    If(fRemainingTime > fMinimumUpdateTime) 
    Else    RegisterForSingleUpdateGameTime(fMinimumUpdateTime) 

I found it here, http://www.gamesas.com/time-remainder-after-onupdategametime-t371450.html, and tried to compile it, but it brings up a bunch of compiler errors and I know literally nothing about floats so I don't know how to fix them. Here are the errors, for reference:


C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim\Data\scripts\source\reregisterscript.psc(16,24): required (...)+ loop did not match anything at input 'iCounter'
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim\Data\scripts\source\reregisterscript.psc(17,9): required (...)+ loop did not match anything at input 'iCounter'
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim\Data\scripts\source\reregisterscript.psc(23,12): required (...)+ loop did not match anything at input 'RegisterForSingleUpdateGameTime'
Edited by xcafe
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Scriptname __reregisterscript extends ObjectReference

Float fPreviousUpdate

Float fUpdateTime = 1.5

Float fMinimumUpdateTime = 0.1

Int iCounter

Event OnSomeEvent() ;The first time that you register for an update

fPreviousUpdate = Utility.GetCurrentGameTime()



Event OnUpdateGameTime()

Float fCurrentTime = Utility.GetCurrentGameTime()

Float fNumUpdates = (fCurrentTime - fPreviousUpdate) * 24 / fUpdateTime

Int iNumUpdates = Math.Floor(fNumUpdates)

If(iNumUpdates > 0)

iCounter += 1 * iNumUpdates


iCounter += 1


fPreviousUpdate = fCurrentTime

Float fRemainingTime = fUpdateTime * (1.0 - (fNumUpdates - (iNumUpdates as Float)))

If(fRemainingTime > fMinimumUpdateTime)






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Btw, a Float is just a number with a "."



1 is a INTeger (a whole number; a number that is not a fraction)


1.1 is a FLOATing point (no fixed number of digits before and after the decimal point)


1.5 is the same as saying I have 1 part and 1/2 of a part or 1 1/2

1.9 is the same as saying I have 1 part and 9/10 of a part or 1 9/10

Edited by NexusComa
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