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Newbie needs help. No hands on NPC'S


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Sorry for that, maybe dumb, question. I've installed a few mods and don't know which one turned off the sprite for the hands of the NPC's.. also i don't know how to fix this kind of issue. Sorry for taking your time, but i don't know where to post a topic like this nor do I know much about modding and stuff like this.


My Mods(installed):

-Black Mage Armor SE - Black Mage Armor 1.02

-ApachiiSkyHair SSE - ApachiiSkyHair_v_1_6_Full

-Total Character Makeover - Total Character Makeover 1.2

-Crafting Supplies - All In One - Crafting Supplies - All In One

-Aurora Windshadow Follower - Aurora Windshadow Follower Loose files V1.1

-Baby Bleu standalone follower - Baby Bleu standalone follower UNPB BBP SSE

-Daeva - Standalone Follower SE - Davea Follower - UNP

-Fia Follower - Fia Follower - UNP

-Follower Elysia - Elysia Follower Ver. 1.0

- Lightning (FF13) as a follower - LightningFollower

-RUSTIC SOULGEMS - Special Edition - RUSTIC SOULGEMS - Special Edition - 2k Unsorted

-Skyrim Flora Overhaul SE - Skyrim Flora Overhaul SE v2.72a

-Breezehome - Eli's Breezehome Overhaul BETA 1.6

-BodySlide and Outfit Studio


Please help me. No hands let this beautiful game looks stupid..

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