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How do i put certain stuff from others mod to my own? Creation kit


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Im new to modding/scripting so its hard for me at this point to make my own scripts and make it work, so I would like to put some stuff from other modders, to my own. How do I do it? Or it cant be done? I basicly need 1 thing implemented in my mod.



Edited by OGCT10
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If you will be uploading to the public, you need to seek permission from the author(s) of the content you would like to use. Once you have permission, you use the asset(s) which you obtained permission for just as you would any asset from the base game.


On the other hand, there are several script writers which have been (and are) helpful to those who ask. Of course it all depends upon whether what you want to do is within their scope of knowledge.

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It would be for me only, if i would like to share it with others I would ask him for perminission. Since modders provide to us their free content I dont see harm using some parts of his work to improve my game. Its their intentions anyway.

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You load up your mod as active and their mod as a plugin. Move what you wish ...

(Click the objects in their mod cell and press ctrl+c then move to your mod cell and press ctrl+v to paste them)

then save. Then reload the kit and save without the plugin.


* Make backups of your mod and mess with it for a bit you will get it.

If they are using scripts on some objects you will need to get them too.

Also depending on how it was scripted you may need even more of their scripts and objects.

Exp: Mod has a script to open a door that keys off an XMarker ... in that case you would need the XMarker.


This whole thing is kinda hit and miss depending on scripts needed ...

Edited by NexusComa
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Hey there again.


So i did step one, did his mod as plugin and mine as active. I only get 1 cell and it looks like its all merged already, or dunno what am i doing wrong. So I get 1 object window, 1 cell window and 1 render window. Basically I need to get his thing from object window under "magic effect" which has his script entitled to that object. Sorry for low CK skills ;D


Thanks for helping.

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That's how it works they will seem to be merged. You don't get two of all the windows but you do get all of both mods.

Now simply pick what you need and rename it, it will ask you to make a new object ... yes ... now that's in your active mod.

Just make sure you get everything that the new object needs as far as scripts. Then reload the ck without the plugin.

Edited by NexusComa
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