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So, I'm experiencing two separate problems with Lydia.


First one: She seems to have become not only unkillable (made essential ages ago, no issue with that), but completely invincible. I cannot recall the last time I've seen her HP bar at all. She is still targeted in combat by enemies, but her HP bar never appears, she never flinches or gets knocked back, or otherwise shows any signs of damage at all whatsoever. I also cannot seem to damage her myself via spell or sword, or heal her with healing hands (I can't seem to target her with that spell and a few others at all). She fights back and kills just fine herself, however, and I can interact with her in most ways perfectly fine (inventory, give commands, talk to, etc.).


Second issue: I installed Bijin Warmaidens (loose file version) along with it's customizer for her, yet while it works for the body, her neck and head (including face) remain unchanged. It still looks like vanilla Lydia + vampire eyes (made her a vampire lord lady with AFT+Better Vampires functionality...possible cause?).


From my lamest perspective, it looks like AFT is bugging out. One way or another though I haven't a clue how to fix either of these issues. Any help would be appreciated :)

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