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Oblivion cannot detect OBSE


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I want to play MorroBlivion mod
Every time I try to play it I get the message appearing that Oblivion cannot detect OBSE. I downloaded the latest version of OBSE and dragged the files into my Oblivion folder in Steam\SteamApps\common\Oblivion but still nothing.

I tired running obse_loader but it tells me to run steam version of Oblivion, I try running Oblivion.exe and Oblivion_Launcher.exe as Admin but nothing....even tried running Oblivion in compatibility mode but still OBSE is not detected
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The obse_steam_loader.dll was built specifically for OBSE to be run from Steam. If I recall correctly, the OBSE and the Steam devs worked together to create this integration back then. Sadly multiple Steam updates I've heard of so far sort of broke it again, and the conditions or steps required to be met or done in order for OBSE to be run with the Steam game are changing with every post I read.


Back then, the Steam Overlay, or what it's called, had to be enabled for this to work, but since then I've seen several posts stating it wasn't so anymore. Starting Steam Oblivion outside of Steam will not make it work, so neither Oblivion.exe nor Oblivion_Launcher.exe should do the trick. The Steam integration will only fire, if Oblivion is also started through Steam.


For the current OBSE to work your game needs to be at the latest version, v1.2.0416, but working with Steam this should be an inevitable environment condition anyways. But just in case you specifically prevented Steam from updating your game, any version older than the current and OBSE will not work.


I've also read of some older versions of the obse_loader.exe (or was it the obse_steam_loader.dll?) being required/advised for the current versions of Steam to work with OBSE. But I'm not using Steam myself, so the specific means to get OBSE running with the current versions of Steam have to be answered by someone else than me.

Edited by DrakeTheDragon
Missed a "not" at using Steam cO
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Try the "Latest loader" from the Silverlock site (though the posts I've seen about that may have been more related to getting OBSE to work with Mod Organizer and Steam ... can't remember for certain).


I've also seen advice that said you need to run Steam with administrator rights as well.


I've seen posts that said that compatibility mode needed to be turned off for OBSE to work.


Last but not least ... if Steam is installed in any directory that falls under UAC protection (i.e. the default install location of C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\...) then move Steam out of that location (recommended location is C:\Games\Steam\...). Instructions for that can be found here.

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I want to play MorroBlivion mod
Every time I try to play it I get the message appearing that Oblivion cannot detect OBSE. I downloaded the latest version of OBSE and dragged the files into my Oblivion folder in Steam\SteamApps\common\Oblivion but still nothing.


I tired running obse_loader but it tells me to run steam version of Oblivion, I try running Oblivion.exe and Oblivion_Launcher.exe as Admin but nothing....even tried running Oblivion in compatibility mode but still OBSE is not detected


I'll try disabling overlay and try again. I'll probably do what some suggest and install things one at a time and check MO or OBMM

also which one would you suggest or can I use both MO and OBMM

Edited by akiresenpai
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I have Steam installed under Program Files (x86) with Oblivion installed on another drive entirely. Latest versions of Steam, Oblivion and OBSE. From what I have noticed:

  • Steam Overlay does not matter
  • Steam can be installed in Program Files - it does not matter, it is just Steam
  • Steam itself does not need to be run with any compatibility options (including administrator rights - not needed, so you should not do it)
  • OBSE does not need any compatibility options (on Windows 10 at least)
  • if using the Construction Set Extender (CSE), obse_loader.exe needs to be run as administrator
  • at the time of writing, the latest version of OBSE is 0021, and I have only installed 0021 first, and then overwritten obse_loader.exe with the one included in the updated loader download, from the official site (http://obse.silverlock.org/) - I have not tested the Nexus-hosted version so I have no idea if it works or not

Hopefully that helps a bit. The one from the silverlock site, with the updated loader, are all that is needed. You should not need to use any older files for anything and you do not need to do anything funny with Steam itself, I have never had to myself. Just install the latest one from the silverlock site, including the latest loader, and start Oblivion from Steam. It should work. But then again, lots of people seem to have issues, and I have no idea where they come from. The fact that everything works for me only proves that latest versions of Oblivion + OBSE + Steam do work without issues, funny tricks or workarounds, but that obviously does not help people with issues. :tongue:


If you need to move Oblivion outside Program Files, you can create a new Steam Library folder elsewhere and copy-paste Oblivion (along with the appmanifest file for Oblivion that is located in the steamapps folder a bit above Oblivion folder, it will be named "appmanifest_<steam-app-id>.acf" where <steam-app-id> is the Oblivion Steam app id, which is 22330, so "appmanifest_22330.acf") into that one to avoid having to redownload it. Remember to make sure no registry keys or anything else are left pointing at the old location, though.


Edit: Does Morroblivion have any instructions related to OBSE? Does it do something funny somehow?

Edited by Contrathetix
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