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aMidianBorn armor textures and CT77's Remodeled Armor


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OK, thank you Jeir.


Trying to take advantage of all optionals on LeanWolfs Better-Shaped Weapons located here:




Where it gets more complex for me is:


aMidianBorn Glass_Variants-36356-1.7z

aMidianBorn Glass Eqmnt patch-29123-1-9-6-4.7z

Remodeled Armor for CBBE Bodyslide TBBP HDT-25259-5-1.7z

ChronoTear77 Refracting Glass female armor TBBP-29123-1-5-1.7z

LeanWolfs Better-Shaped Weapons v2.0.09-39870-2-0-09.7z


skysan4298 explains fairly well in his read me:




It sounds like glass and stahlrim would only be using the aMidianBorn weapon textures...not sure what will happen with the armors!

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Both "Remodeled Armor" and "ChronoTear77 Refracting Glass armor" have their own meshes. This means, that they are mutually exclusive: You can only have one or the other. The mod you install last will overwrite the meshes of the previously installed mod.


Same goes for textures: The refracting glass armor has its own texture sets. The aMidianBorn mods are texture replacers only. If you install "refracting glass armors" first, then install aMidianBorn, you will get the aMidianBorn textures to show up in your game. If you install "refracting glass armor" after you have installed aMidianBorn, you will see the "refracting glass armor" textures.


Think of meshes as "shapes" and of textures as "paints": An object in your game can either be a cube or a globe. It can either be painted red or black. But it can't be a cube AND a globe at the same time. Nor can it be black AND red at the same time.


BTW, it's a similar thing with LeanWolfs weapons: These are meshes only - new shapes for the vanilla weapons. If you install aMidianBorn Textures, LeanWolf's weapons will use them. If you install other weapons textures after aMidianBorn, you will get Leanwolfs shapes with the texture you installed last.


In the end it comes down to a simple rule: When using different replacers for the same (or partially the same) meshes and/or textures, you will get to see the meshes and/or textures you installed LAST.

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