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Struggling to remove sneak attack message


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I find this message very annoying so tried to change its record setting to make it blank in TES5Edit but cannot find it anywhere - I have done this for other annoying messages but this one is proving very difficult! Am I just missing it or is there actually no setting for this? There doesn't seem to be any mod that fixes this either.

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Ahh- that one. Not sure, perhaps Immersive HUD would have something in it that would help? maybe look on the Nexus for mods that overhaul stealth and ask the makers if their mods include an option to disable the notifications for the multiplier; they may know how to do it. I'm guessing it's a script thing.

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Pretty sure Immersive HUD doesn't have that option; I've posted a suggestion on the mod page, though, thanks. It seems quite strange that there's no record setting for it, other messages have settings - I made the 'You have no bolts left' message blank because it displayed every time I fired a crossbow with Manual Crossbow Reload.

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