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Quest to Kill the Blades


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Guys, since my requests for a battlemage tweak went unseen (http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/510946-destruction-mod/), I come to you with a much simpler request:


Who here didn't get pissed when the blades told you to kill Paarthunax?

Well, I certainly did, and I wanted to request a simple solution for that! After the blades have given you the Paarthunax quest, this dialogue option appears when you talk to Paarthunax:

Dragonborn: The Blades have been ungrateful for both you and me, Paarthunax. I can easily put an end to their pesky order.

Paarthunax should then repeat a line he may say during your first encounter:

Paarthunax: Qostid sahlo ook. Just because you can do a thing, does not always mean you should.

The dialogue then proceeds:

DB: On this matter I am certain, the Blades must fall.

P: I bow before your certainty. In a way I envy you. The curse of much knowledge is often indecision.

Then you kill the Blades, and when you come back to him, he tells you:

P: So... it is done. Savor your triumph, dovahkin!

And gives you an item, out of appreciation for your gesture. (any suggestions here?)

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I completely agree with this. I thought it was really dumb when I couldn't just say "no" to the Blades. Once you get the quest, you're stuck with it. I wish I could just convince them or lie to them and tell them: A) I'm not killing Paarthurnax because of (reasons) or B) Lie to them and tell them I killed Paarthurnax, but in reality he's still alive.

From the start, I didn't like Delphine. She hindered your progress by stealing the horn of Jurgen Windcaller, then wouldn't believe you were the Dragonborn. Then, she pretty much bossed you around after that. She really ticked me off when she barged into the peace treaty meeting (season unending) and refused to leave. I know Ulfric was a bit of a baby through the whole thing, but at least I invited him.

Edited by WatchTheShow
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Well, I actually didn't go for the peace treaty, but Delphine surely was a b*tch through the whole game. And Esbern is a glitchy NPC anyway.


It kinda looks like Bethesda didn't want you to go against "the good guys from oblivion" and thought we'd all just cheerfully hand them our asses...

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Alright, had an idea for the reward, I new "dialogue" option appears:


[Hand over Dragonbane]


And he changes it into another sword with a better effect and an appropriate name, like "joorbane" (I believe joor is mortal in the dragon tongue) or joorfeyn (that's mortalbane wholly in he dragon tongue), or any name related to his Way of the Voice, and to self-control, and stuff like that.

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YES! I'm the mother fking Dragonborn... why aren't they bowing and scarping before me? =______=; Instead... they attempt to blackmail me!


I'd LOVE to shove a dagger under that idiot's ribcage.


Until then... well... not gonna finish that part of the main quest line. :/

Edited by phantur
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I agree with OP I was pissed about them wanting to kill my dragon friend too. This could possibly be a massive mod. All kinds of ideas come to me when I think about it. Lets say its like this....


Option 1: Kill parthanax and the blades have a ceremony to make you their official blades commander and chief.

Option 2: Refuse to kill parthanax and go on with out the blades or base ending the quest.

Option 3: Talk to parthanax, He gives you a quest that could have 2 different outcomes

A: Kill the blades and rebuild skyhaven as a player base to remake the blades with a new purpose of protecting skyrim and the "Good" Dragons.

B: Banish the blades from Skyrim with pain of death if they ever return.

C: Imprison the blades Permanently in a Sky Haven dungeon which would be added with the mod.

Regardless of Option 1 and 3's outcome Sky Haven becomes the base of operations for the player and his followers. Option 3 would have the players followers and soldiers swear an oath to service of the Dragonborn instead of the Blades oath to kill dragons and such.


Sky Haven would be upgradable inside and out. equipment racks, storage, Dragonborn personal quarters, crafting tables, recruitable soldiers with schedules etc... Outside would become a village perhaps with recruitable townfolk like blacksmiths and shop owners etc....


Just my thoughts on it.

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