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I can't play skyrim anymore.


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Also I wish guards would comment on the weapon you're carrying instead of the actual skill level your character have. If your character is carrying a big two handed sword but is better with a bow guards are going to say things about your character preferring bows and that simply doesn't make any sense. It's a little thing but that is annoying after a while.


Heaven knows to what they are actually refering to. It's certainly not the highest level. Sometimes they ramble about "casting a few spells" even though my character has just cast that one obligatory spell to be railroaded into the mages college, sometimes they say something about "brew me an ale" though my character has hardly any knowledge of alchemy.


It just doesn't seem to follow any logic. At least when you base it on stats.

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"The more I travel the land of Skyrim the more empty it seems."


I haven't played Skyrim in 3 weeks mostly because of what many people have already pointed out: "follow the arrow" aka lack of depth. Skyrim has been dumbed down from Oblivion even more than Oblivion was from Morrowind. This isn't progress, it's Bethesda grasping at the 'epic formula for more sales'. Of course this would be much less of a problem if we had the creation kit so we could get down to making Skyrim a good RPG.

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a question for all those here defending or claiming the game is flawless...why are you here? a site mainly devoted to modifying what you believe is perfect as it is. you don't download and install mods do you? that would be at odds with your statements the game is fine as is...


just hang out to watch for any posts where people have issues with the game? can't be for the mods...game is perfect according to you, flawless...can't improve upon perfection.

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a question for all those here defending or claiming the game is flawless...why are you here? a site mainly devoted to modifying what you believe is perfect as it is. you don't download and install mods do you? that would be at odds with your statements the game is fine as is...


just hang out to watch for any posts where people have issues with the game? can't be for the mods...game is perfect according to you, flawless...can't improve upon perfection.


This is clearly an attempt at baiting and not a subtle one but I'll play along.


Following your logic why do people who feel entitled to post that Skyrim sucks and keep showering praise on Oblivion are still posting in the Skyrim section of the forum? See what I'm hinting at?


FYI mods aren't simply just about fixing bugs or improving on the game to make it flawless (if that's even possible). Most mods are about making the game look or play differently. Mods are meant to make a game more personal, open up new possibilities or bring new features into a game.

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a question for all those here defending or claiming the game is flawless...why are you here? a site mainly devoted to modifying what you believe is perfect as it is. you don't download and install mods do you? that would be at odds with your statements the game is fine as is...


just hang out to watch for any posts where people have issues with the game? can't be for the mods...game is perfect according to you, flawless...can't improve upon perfection.


This is clearly an attempt at baiting and not a subtle one but I'll play along.


Following your logic why do people who feel entitled to post that Skyrim sucks and keep showering praise on Oblivion are still posting in the Skyrim section of the forum? See what I'm hinting at?


FYI mods aren't simply just about fixing bugs or improving on the game to make it flawless (if that's even possible). Most mods are about making the game look or play differently. Mods are meant to make a game more personal, open up new possibilities or bring new features into a game.


I think some of them want to voice their displeasure in the hope that something will be done either to change skyrim or to influence Bethesda's designs on the next TES game. It's called feedback and it serves a purpose.


I could easily parallel your argument in reality and ask why do people feel entitled to complain about their government when other ones exist in a different part of the world? The idea is to influence the course of change. The better question here is always why do people feel entitled to stifle the voices of dissent?

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I agree with a lot of the disappointment in this thread.


I played through Skyrim for 80+ hours, worked on some mods, and kept feeling like there was something missing. I felt the same way after I played Oblivion, put it down for a few months, played it again and then ultimately shelved it. It's something I didn't feel with Morrowind - for some reason, Morrowind just got its teeth into me and I was hooked at exploring, reading everything, following through each quest line and most importantly (to me), maintaining the lore and roleplaying my character.


Honestly, it just seems like each subsequent game after Morrowind has been watered-down, to the point where it shows more in common with the Dragon Age franchise as opposed to standing above it (note: I've played both DA games: the first was good but not as good as an ES games, and the second was the worst game I've played in a long time).


As ridiculous as this sounds, I'd almost prefer if Bethesda created a massive world with all of the necessary elements (NPCs, textures, dialogue, etc.) and focused on giving us a powerful, easy-to-use Creation Tool and then just give it to the community and say: "Here's the game and the Creation Tool - you care more than we do about the details, so you create the quests, adhere to the lore, write the books, design the world.... good luck and have fun." Then they could cut the price of the game, and let the community (who works so hard at bringing the game to the next level) make some money off of selling packaged mods that would include cities, NPCs, quests, etc.


Oh well, I'm heading back to my newly re-installed Oblivion and the 60+ mods I've downloaded - now it looks like and feels like the game I thought it would be when it was named the successor to Morrowind. Skyrim's just going to have to wait...

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the burning question... did Bethesda sell out with this new instalment of the series? kind of a harsh accusation for the best company out there.

i reinstalled Morrowind this afternoon and took a serious trip down memory lane. they don't make 'em like that anymore :-(

we're spoiled by such a perfect game that was so far out of its time! but it's just not feasible to go back to that "true" RPG with the kind of audience that Skyrim has. on the other hand it's really cool to see all my CoD-loving friends playing a good game for once (even if it's on their xBoxes rather than the PC!)

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I havent played it for like 3 weeks now. I dont see the game itself that interesting, but as a basic starting point for a RPG the game environment and all is great. We just need to get a massive mod done to rewrite the quests to flesh them all out.

I feel the same way. Pretty much sitting here on my hands waiting for the CK to come out.

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the burning question... did Bethesda sell out with this new instalment of the series? kind of a harsh accusation for the best company out there.



No, they didn't sell out. If you want an example of selling out, look no further than Bioware and DAII. Might not be the friendliest thing to say, but I'm rather glad, that particular shot backfired.

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