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That turn wheel made me rich


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I have a small problem.

I installed and use many mods and I guess it's a problem that may come from one of them but i can't figure out which one it is

When i try to turn the wheel to open the kvatch castle gate I just get 999 millions or maybe 9 billions and this is repeating each time i try and then the gate won't open

I don't want that money i just want to open the gate

does anyone know what mod i should get rid of ?

Thank you

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Also one sort-of-lazy way to do it would be to

  1. in-game, navigate to the lever, open the console and note the form ID (eight charater hexadecimal)
  2. exit the game, open TES4Edit and load your whole load order in it
  3. find the lever reference by the form ID, in the left hand side panel (you can use the form ID finder in TES4Edit)
  4. select the lever reference in the left hand side panel, then find the base object in the right hand side panel (the lever in the world is an instance of a base object, and you want the base object)
  5. navigate to the base object (again, using the form ID finder if you want)
  6. see which script the base object has (again, note the form ID) - you want to scroll all the way to the right in the right hand side panel to find the last mod that touches the lever base object, since it should be the one that "wins" and has its changes applied in your game
  7. find the form ID of the script that is attached to the lever base object (in the last column in the right hand side panel)
  8. find the script by its form ID and see which mod modifies it last (again, the rightmost column header in the right hand side panel when you have the script selected in the left hand side list)

Hopefully that helps a bit. Using TES4Edit can save a lot of time, when you do not need to disable mods one by one to find the culprit. When you have done enough detective work with TES4Edit, it should only take a minute or two to find the culprit. On the other hand, if a mod has a script that changes the lever script into another one (I think OBSE might have had a command like that), then TES4Edit will be of no use. At least it might be worth a try?


Load order usually helps, too, as was mentioned, when asking on the forums. If you are not comfortable enough with TES4Edit then posting your load order is usually the second best option.


Hopefully someone will be able to help you. :thumbsup:


Edit: Ooops. Typos again. :facepalm: Also, no one is expecting you to know how to use TES4Edit to find stuff. That was just a general idea, to provide another perspective to finding the sources of a variety of changes (as in, changes that are not generally done via scripting, since scripting makes things a bit tricky to track down).

Edited by Contrathetix
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