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Strongest/Most OP Stealth Archer Build?


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So I got Skyrim (vanilla) in the last Steam sale, will be getting the dlcs in the upcoming Winter Sale - but I've gotten really hyped up after watching some Skyrim reveal trailers and wanted to start today. My aim is to play a sneak archer build - but I wanted to know if there is any recommended perk/lvling guide to achieving an unstoppable status.


I realise some people will say I should focus on RPG elements etc, but I plan to do that anyways whilst I become OP (just in that kind of mood for now).


What I'm looking for:


- A specific lvling guide for perks. I know I need to lvl up sneak + archery + one-handed, but what perks are highly recommended.


- I know I should join the Dark Brotherhood + Thieves Guild (actually looking forward to that, was reading up on the Dark Brotherhood and they seem shady as f*#@!)


- Please also recommend any good sneak/archer mod must-haves. I have basic general mods already installed.


Any recommendations are appreciated.

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Sneak tools. Good mod to check out.


Start leveling sneak and archery perks. The trees are linear and boring so it really isnt hard to figure out which ones you want. I recommend getting the first sneak perk followed by the first blacksmith perk to upgrade your bow then your archery. And pretty much follow that line until you get the first perk maxed for sneak and archery.

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