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This is a sig a friend made for me and I modified.


The original version:




The modified version:




Actually, that's not even entirely true. The original version was actually completely black and white, but I added the blue to the eyes and then later added color to the face. But I digress.


For the most part I go by one of three names or some variation thereof online. Those three being Syco, Jack and SycoJack in order of adoption. I have used other aliases, but those are the three primary ones.


People that know me as Syco, more or less know me as an all around nice guy, whereas those that know me as Jack generally know me as an evil jerk. The reason for this is because I've primarily used Jack in one place where I modded a forum and... well everyone knows that mods are horrible evil people. Especially when they mod forums dedicated to MMOs and weren't afraid to moderate the more influential individuals in the community when the need arised. The reason that as Syco I'm more known as a nice guy, is because I tended to use that nick for chats, games and places like this. In the main game I played, I spent most of my time helping out the new players, and providing a sort of ingame school for them.


So the point of all that? I modified the above sig to reflect that duality in my persona. The Syco portion being blue to represent the good whereas the red Jack to represent the bad.


So what do you guys think? Did I butcher an excellent sig, or did I do a decent enough job? Personally, I think the original is much classier than the modified versio, but I still like the new version.

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