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I just found this wierd


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So my daughter Lucia was talking about some argonians being able to breathe under water and that she wanted to be able to do that too. So i wandered what it'll be like if I "setrace argonianrace" .I dont know how to take screenshots for some odd reason but i'll try to explain to you what happen xD

She became as tall as me with an argonian body but head of a nord i got creeped out a bit so i did "setrace nordrace" so she'll become normal right? Nope she became a tall black woman with no feet and a white old woman head xD if anyone wants to try this please show a screenshot of it happening so other people know what its like.

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... Cool find i guess. Saddly this is old news as this is part of why people warn against changing race when you use showracemenu to edit your character.


The default steam screen shot key is f12 and if you're using Windows the Print Screen key will do it as well

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... Cool find i guess. Saddly this is old news as this is part of why people warn against changing race when you use showracemenu to edit your character.


The default steam screen shot key is f12 and if you're using Windows the Print Screen key will do it as well

well i have tried screenshotting like that but it aint working

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