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Tropical Skyrim/mod troubleshooting


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I'm making this thread for a couple of very nice guys who have been helping me learn how to make tiny patches for Skyrim and fix things. We've been going back and forth for awhile, but it was on a mod page, and we're starting to form a word wall up there(especially me, I'm wordy).


Copied from the TS page: (For Fredlaus and Ewarre):


Okay...so I'll use an example. Here's the mod I downloaded: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/3480/?tab=2&navtag=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nexusmods.com%2Fskyrim%2Fajax%2Fmodfiles%2F%3Fid%3D3480&pUp=1

For circlets I use Gemling Queen Jewelry: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/52266/?

It works fine for the circlets, and I get the nice moonstone and onyx.

The item in question that is an exception to that is an armor piece from Immersive Armors, the Falkreath Crown. What I need to do is make the crown point to the Gemling Queen texture, rather than VenusM's texture. I'm not sure why it doesn't already.

Screenies to show you what I mean...and after this bit...I encountered a HUGE problem with the inn in Morthal. More on that further down. But first, the Falkreath crown versus the circlets. This circlet is one of the vanilla ones that got the Gemling Queen treatment: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v179/Aniu1983/Skyrim/Skyrim%20Troubleshooting/ScreenShot81_zpslenxjxud.png I use no ENBs, not sure if my comp could handle it, so it's hard to tell that they are actually sparkly.

However, her file doesn't actually overwrite circletgems.dds, but instead the mod points to her custom textures. VenusM's mod DOES overwrite circletgems.dds, so instead of editing the DDS itself, it might be easier to make the crown point to the ruby texture in my Data folder. It looks like this right now, which is the ruby texture from VenusM's mod, which I don't like all that much: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v179/Aniu1983/Skyrim/Skyrim%20Troubleshooting/ScreenShot82_zpskdmd0deh.png Again, hard to tell, you'd have to see a video to really know, but I'm sure you understand what I'm getting at.

Now, the inn in Morthal. Wow, what a mess. it isn't Christmas In Skyrim causing this, as I've used that mod for several years. I can only pin it on Tropical Skyrim for now.








I have no idea what's happening here. You can ENTER the inn, but you have to click the little wooden bar at the bottom of the door, and when you leave? You fall into the water below. It's kind of comical, but I know that inn is one floor, not two.

Edited by QueenSkyrim
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Queen regards your crown/gem issue here goes..........

Without downloading checking the mods to know for sure , this may still be an easy fix or a bit more work for you [another tool] ;)


Mods can link models to textures via the ESP [you can use TES5Edit to change to record pointer to the Tx file] or the model/NIF which comes with mod, but to play with this thing you need a tool called Nifskope ... google it.


Another possibility is a simple swap of the texture DDs, --- again I don't know the mods and this may not be workable.


With time and smarts on your side you will win ! :D

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