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Fallout 4 v. Skyrim


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I'm interested in open world games that are as large as possible in free roaming area.


How do Fallout 4 and Rift compare to Skyrim? I've played part of Witcher and I'm


impressed with the game. DA Inquisition not so impressive...good story though.

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Two different universes. Skyrim is closer to the Witcher, but neither Skyrim nor Fallout 4 have the graphical quality. Fallout 4 is primarily a first person shooter with Skyrim being first being but melee oriented (with ranged magic and archery). Skyrim has better lore and quests and has a lot more mods available and participation. Fallout 4 has a more robust crafting system and it really shines in its settlement building. If you really like the Witcher and Dragon Age, go with Skyrim as that's much closer in the feel.

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Skyrim is generally larger, though Fallout 4 is better written. Both feature large-ish open cell overworlds and numerous interior cells, so they're more like The Witcher 3 than Inquisition in that regard.


That said, neither are really comparable to The Wktcher 3 in anything but the crudest sense.


You also need to factor in the fact that Fallout and Skyrim are very different settings. One is a post apocalyptic wasteland shooter, the other is a high-fantasy Swords and Sorcery game. If you're not fond of looking down a pair of iron sights and dodging laser fire, Skyrim is your game.

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