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New Games Comparable to Skyrim


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If you're looking for modern RPG's, Dragon's Dogma, Soulsborne (Dark Souls series and Bloodborne) and Final Fantasy 15 are all brilliant. Tyranny and Pillars of Eternity are pretty great C-RPG's as well if you're ok with an isometric point of view. If you don't mind a sci-fi take, there's always Deus Ex: Mankind Divided and Shadowrun.

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If you're looking for modern RPG's, Dragon's Dogma, Soulsborne (Dark Souls series and Bloodborne) and Final Fantasy 15 are all brilliant. Tyranny and Pillars of Eternity are pretty great C-RPG's as well if you're ok with an isometric point of view. If you don't mind a sci-fi take, there's always Deus Ex: Mankind Divided and Shadowrun.


Okay. Thanks for the information.

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