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Realistic Argonian and kahjiits


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Playing as an argonian i found ridcolous a few things:

1-I can equip closed elmets...ok...and my facial structure where the hell goes?so could be really cool if "EVERY TYPE" of helmet have a particular and obviously different mesh for the beast races(maybe that make visible also the eventual horns)...so just to say one in particular:dragon priest masks,most of the heavy aromr helmets etc....if this is not possible just make it impossible to wear those helmets(clearly this well goes with the no required helmet mod)

2-Whenever i put gloves my claws disappear,i think it is a matter of slots or kinda stuff,so new meshes for beast race hands with claws incorporated maybe

3-i haven't saw it in game and worn but looking at nightingale armor it seems that with a beastrace the cloack may be a pain in the arse because of the tail,in addition to the closed tight helmet so a sostitution for those poor and underestimated beasts of tamriel that are not getting the treatment they deserve,not in this game and even less in oblivion...god praise morrowind


For now these are the things that disturb me the most....anyway i'll add things if something new come to my attention...Please someone tell me if it is possible to do such a thing and other ideas are clearly well accepted:)

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After the CK release i tought on refreshing this topic i created,and that has been ignored since now,i hope someone with love for beast races,will and ability will read this.Because something must be done with all closed helmets at least to make them playable by beasts without having their faces compressed under the helmet making the face structure change.

Is someone already working on this?I tought that even if it can be hard to do it is a "must",shame on beth for this racism against our marsh friends and the lovely elsweyr kittens.

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