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Anyone know what I did to mess up my CK?


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Automatic door 'AutoLoadDoor01' (00015E1D) [324 units] in cell 'YngolBarrowExterior' has its teleport marker too close to the linked door.
Errors were encountered during InitItem for reference:
Base: 'AutoLoadDoor01' (00031897)
Ref: '' (00015E1D)
Cell: 'YngolBarrowExterior' (0000B452) (38, 11) in world 'Tamriel' (0000003C)
See Warnings file for more information.
Cell contains more than one water current marker:
'Wilderness' (0000954C) (-12, 3) in WorldSpace 'Tamriel' (0000003C)
Automatic door 'WRShackDoorMinUse01' (0006767F) [48 units] in cell 'WhiterunExterior10' has its teleport marker too close to the linked door.
Automatic door 'AutoLoadDoor01' (0001779F) [125 units] in cell 'KarthwastenExterior03' has its teleport marker too close to the linked door.
Automatic door 'ShipTrapdoor01MinUseHidden' (00099315) [0 units] in cell 'Wilderness' has its teleport marker too close to the linked door.
Automatic door 'dunda14PortalDoor01' (0003DC3F) [287 units] in cell 'DA14Interior' has its teleport marker too close to the linked door.
Automatic door 'AutoLoadDoor01' (00015D12) [307 units] in cell 'WolfskullCave01' has its teleport marker too close to the linked door.
Automatic door 'HelgenKeeptoExterior01REF' (0005DF95) [304 units] in cell 'HelgenKeep01' has its teleport marker too close to the linked door.
Automatic door 'HelgenKeep01btoExteriorREF' (000909D2) [275 units] in cell 'HelgenKeep01' has its teleport marker too close to the linked door.
Book 'QABook' (000B7736) has invalid character ¬.
Book 'QABook' (000B7736) has invalid character ‰.
Book 'QABook' (000B7736) has invalid character ˆ.
Book 'QABook' (000B7736) has invalid character Œ.
Book 'QABook' (000B7736) has invalid character “.
Book 'QABook' (000B7736) has invalid character ’.
Book 'QABook' (000B7736) has invalid character Â.
Book 'QABook' (000B7736) has invalid character ™.
Book 'QABook' (000B7736) has invalid character Ÿ.
Book 'QABook' (000B7736) has invalid character „.
Book 'QABook' (000B7736) has invalid character –.
Book 'QABook' (000B7736) has invalid character œ.
Book 'QABook' (000B7736) has invalid character ­.
Book 'QABook' (000B7736) has invalid character ±.
Book 'QABook' (000B7736) has invalid character Â.
Book 'QABook' (000B7736) has invalid character ‰.
Book 'QABook' (000B7736) has invalid character Â.
Book 'QABook' (000B7736) has invalid character “.
Book 'QABook' (000B7736) has invalid character š.
Book 'QABook' (000B7736) has invalid character ‘.
Book 'QABook' (000B7736) has invalid character œ.
Book 'QABook' (000B7736) has invalid character ‡.
Book 'QABook' (000B7736) has invalid character ¬.
Book 'QABook' (000B7736) has invalid character ‰.
Book 'QABook' (000B7736) has invalid character ˆ.
Book 'QABook' (000B7736) has invalid character Œ.
Book 'QABook' (000B7736) has invalid character “.
Book 'QABook' (000B7736) has invalid character ’.
Book 'QABook' (000B7736) has invalid character Â.
Book 'QABook' (000B7736) has invalid character ™.
Book 'QABook' (000B7736) has invalid character Ÿ.
Book 'QABook' (000B7736) has invalid character „.
Book 'QABook' (000B7736) has invalid character –.
Book 'QABook' (000B7736) has invalid character œ.
Book 'QABook' (000B7736) has invalid character ­.
Book 'QABook' (000B7736) has invalid character ±.
Book 'QABook' (000B7736) has invalid character Â.
Book 'QABook' (000B7736) has invalid character ‰.
Book 'QABook' (000B7736) has invalid character Â.
Book 'QABook' (000B7736) has invalid character “.
Book 'QABook' (000B7736) has invalid character š.
Book 'QABook' (000B7736) has invalid character ‘.
Book 'QABook' (000B7736) has invalid character œ.
Book 'QABook' (000B7736) has invalid character ‡.
Book 'QABook' (000B7736) has invalid character ¬.
Book 'QABook' (000B7736) has invalid character ‰.
Book 'QABook' (000B7736) has invalid character ˆ.
Book 'QABook' (000B7736) has invalid character Œ.
Book 'QABook' (000B7736) has invalid character “.
Book 'QABook' (000B7736) has invalid character ’.
Book 'QABook' (000B7736) has invalid character Â.
Book 'QABook' (000B7736) has invalid character ™.
Book 'QABook' (000B7736) has invalid character Ÿ.
Book 'QABook' (000B7736) has invalid character „.
Book 'QABook' (000B7736) has invalid character –.
Book 'QABook' (000B7736) has invalid character œ.
Book 'QABook' (000B7736) has invalid character ­.
Book 'QABook' (000B7736) has invalid character ±.
Book 'QABook' (000B7736) has invalid character Â.
Book 'QABook' (000B7736) has invalid character ‰.
Book 'QABook' (000B7736) has invalid character Â.
Book 'QABook' (000B7736) has invalid character “.
Book 'QABook' (000B7736) has invalid character š.
Book 'QABook' (000B7736) has invalid character ‘.
Book 'QABook' (000B7736) has invalid character œ.
Book 'QABook' (000B7736) has invalid character ‡.


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I did not reinstall Skyrim, though I've verified the game cache integrity several times.

Reinstalling/verifying of the CK has been managed through the Bethesda Launcher.

SkyrimSE plays fine with or without mods. I just ran through Unbound without Mods to check, no issues.

Administrator always.

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Remember CK loads assets from the game so it complaining about the Game. Load Skyrim in xEdit & see what 000B7736 is by typing it FormID & press Enter to Search, it's "123 Abc Def Ghijklmnop Qrstu VWXYZ 123456789", so for pity sake, check what you done to Language Strings in Game, then verify your Game cache, cause to me it doesn't look like CK problem, also check for loose string crap in Data Folder.


I recommend Skyrim SE Data Folder loose file Purge (or) Updated Kit is complaining Much To About Nothing, & safe to ignore, since that book is weird.


Use the console to Add Item & have a look.


Anywho in future, read the warnings, try to understand them, take the appropriate actions.


The Key is FormID it will even tell you what exactly is wrong your Mod, if there a problem. Ignore Beth problems, you'll sleep better.

Edited by PeterMartyr
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I first encountered this when I tried to convert specifically "Enchanting Freedom" off Nexus, the SE version. Previously I was able to convert mods just fine from LE to SE. FYI, my system and my installation are both healthy and I've found no problems, down to checking for temperatures or even script lag- You name it, I've checked it. So this strange error in CK when converting that specific mod, is either the CK or the mod going a bit crazy. Obviously, I've updated my CK and included all fixes and bells and whistles, properly installed.


As far as I can tell after looking into it more extensively, this book seems to have been included in the game by Bethesda as a guide or translation manual for fonts, font effects, font size and so on. I personally use no fonts mod except one that replaces default fonts for Diablo fonts. I do not use book mods, I do not use other font mods, no font effects, nothing at all.


Now, why the CK detects problems with that book when trying to convert Enchanting Freedom is 100% beyond me. So is the reason behind Enchanting Freedom not being properly converted BUT STILL BEING ON SE NEXUS- The author puts a file on the SE side of Nexus and disappears, then people have to find what's wrong and fix it... 10/10. There's even a guy there who low key tells people it's their fault and they should learn to use the CK, condescending AF while at it, so it's a damned circus, plus that guy also insists other similar mods are trash because they CTD for him- So... He better follow his own damned advice right there... SMH...


Any way back to the point; I'm dropping Enchanting Freedom and finding another mod to do what that does. The book is vanilla, normally inaccessible, its title is indeed just letters and numbers as PeterMartyr mentions. That's all.


Now specifically to PeterMartyr- Look, this has nothing to do with loose strings, or language strings, or the game's cache, or other crap in the Data Folder. And I have no idea what you're on about, when you talk about "Purging" or "Much To About Nothing + Safe to Ignore" because that's barely English at this point, no offense, you're trying to help but your words are confusing my friend xD As for your advice to read warnings and try to understand crap, this is all EXACTLY ABOUT THAT, the OP started the thread because he saw the error and is trying to comprehend what went wrong. And in the end you just conclude with "Ignore Beth problems" which is contradictory to what you've been saying... Those of us with the same issue, can't ignore it because it doesn't feel like we should risk losing a 100% working installation because we decided to convert and ignore that error. As you say, we just want to find out what's wrong and fix it.


Seriously... Sigh...

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