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[REQ] Advanced Armors Perk Mod


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Greetings, all!


One of the things that bugs me slightly about the Advanced Armors perk is the fact that it doesn't really give you too many more, well, advanced armors! I think it could be better used to actually give a sense of progression for smiths besides being a simple stepping stone.


I am wondering if it's possible for some brilliant modder to make what I believe would be a relatively simple mod, that does this:


- If a player gets the Advanced Armors perk, it will allow them to make "plate" versions of EVERY armor, from Iron, all the way up to Dragon. This plate version of every armor will use the EXACT same skin and appearance of it's lesser counterpart, so there's no need to add new designs. It's basically just adding the same item with new text.


- The plate versions will offer 10% more bonus to the armor rating, and make it weight 10% less (Rounded up in both cases). Once the player has 75 skill, it will make offer 20% bonus to armor, and a 20% weight reduction.


- This would also require that the stats for standard Steel Plate, which is already in the game, be redone to fit this profile and keep it uniform.



And that's it!


So as an example, you would have:


Ebony Armor:

Armor: 46

Weight: 38


Ebony Plate Armor (Before 75 smithing)

Armor: 51

Weight: 34


Ebony Plate Armor (At or above 75 smithing)

Armor: 56

Weight: 30


And of course, if such a mod exists, please let me know! Thanks again!

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I know that Tytanis of TUM has mentioned that it may be released in the next update of his mod.


Thanks for the link!


Although I must admit, that sounds a bit overwhelming for what I was looking for - Far more than what I really wanted. But I'll have to wait and see!

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