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A Mod issue (my guy stops moving)


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Not sure if this is the right place to put this but..I seem to be having a weird ongoing issue where i'm running along killing draugr or running down a hallway or whatever really and all of a sudden my guy just..Stops moving. if i had a spell or weapon out he calmly just Sheaths his blade, puts his spell down and...i can no longer move. i can go into first and third person, i can still look around i can pause and what have you, i just can't move anymore. and this also seems to affect the enemies as well because they stop moving too. Looking at these mods i just can't see what mod could be doing this. This is really annoying please help if you can. >_<

These are the mods i use..

Kagrenac's instant fortress

Realistic animals and Predators

Left hand fix for one handed weapons

Improved Close face helmets

Sounds of skyrim/Dungeons

Lip sync fix

No animals report crimes

Palaces and Castles Enhanced

Bandolier - Bags and Pouches

More Jewelry Combinations

Winter Is Coming - Cloaks

Mortal Enemies - De-aimbot Your Foes

No infinite Ammo

Followers can Relax

My Home Is Your Home

UFO - Ultimate Follower Overhaul +all DLC versions

HQ Milky way galaxy

Familiar Faces

Alternate Start - Live Another Life

Artificial Intelligence Limit Increaser

Bounty Gold

Cutting Room Floor - Legendary Edition


Magicka Empowered - Spell Criticals

Melee Weapon Range Fix

Nirnroots - Silenced

No More Dragon Word Wall Blindness

No NPC Greetings - Reduced Distance NPC Greetings

Realistic Ragdolls and Force

Realistic Sleep Wait Values

Timing is Everything - Quest Delay and Timing Control

Trade Routes

Training Dummies Provide XP

Five O'Clock Shadow

Campfire - Complete Camping System

Compass Mod - Immersive Undiscovered Locations

Dynamic TimeScale now with AutoSave


Immersive Beds

Immersive Citizens

Immersive Patrols

Keep Spell Tomes after use

Realistic Needs and Diseases

Running Drains Stamina

Sit Anywhere

Skyrim - Enhanced Camera

Wet and Cold

Enchanting - I do what I want

Spell Crafting for Skyrim

Unlimited Enchantments

Jaxonz Renamer

Jaxonz Map Markers

Jaxonz Positioner

RyyZans Riverwood Smelter

JContainers - JContainers

LeanWolf's Better-Shaped Weapons

Static Mesh Improvement Mod

Amazing Follower Tweaks

Immersive College of Winterhold

Path of Sorcery

Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch

Disparity -- Player Character Class

Living Takes Time

A Quality World Map and Solstheim Map - With Roads

Earlier Health Warnings

NONSTOP Firewood Chopping


Simple Crosshair - Oblivion Style Sneak Eye


Skyrim Project Optimization

(6 unique sword mods)

I used LOOT to sort the mods.

Edited by Swordsguy2010
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You should only use one follower mod at a time. Using both UFO and AFT ist definitely a bad idea. Besides that, you got a lot of script heavy mods installed, which might interfere with each other. Problem is: If you uninstall one of the follower mods, chances are high it will screw your savegame. At least your follower management will be messed up. Same goes with other script heavy mods. Uninstalling them might screw your save game. You can try to use a save game cleaner like this one: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/52363/? It might make your save game usable again - or not. Be prepared to part with your current save game an start over again.


The best - but time-consuming - way would be to restart from scratch: Uninstall your mods, delete your Skyrim directory, reinstall Skyrim. Then add your mods one by one and test. If the game still runs stable, add another mod. If you run into a problem, you know at least one of the culprits.

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You should only use one follower mod at a time. Using both UFO and AFT ist definitely a bad idea. Besides that, you got a lot of script heavy mods installed, which might interfere with each other. Problem is: If you uninstall one of the follower mods, chances are high it will screw your savegame. At least your follower management will be messed up. Same goes with other script heavy mods. Uninstalling them might screw your save game. You can try to use a save game cleaner like this one: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/52363/? It might make your save game usable again - or not. Be prepared to part with your current save game an start over again.


The best - but time-consuming - way would be to restart from scratch: Uninstall your mods, delete your Skyrim directory, reinstall Skyrim. Then add your mods one by one and test. If the game still runs stable, add another mod. If you run into a problem, you know at least one of the culprits.


Phew, so far so good i took out UFO and all the dlc versions or whatever, TRIED my save and it did work still. and i killed all the draugr in the room i was freezing in. YAY :D ...uhg sigh lets see what happens. One Million Tanks for you :D (Thank you)

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