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Black Skies in New Vegas


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A pic would help, but it sounds like you may have hit what is referred to as the "Magic Threshold." It could be something else, but without a visual reference, I'm taking a guess here. Try inactivating three or four mods you can live without and see if that corrects the situation.

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This sounds like a texture problem caused by a missing 'normal map' (*_n.dds) file. Please see this entry in the "Troubleshooting" section of the TESTG site.


You should check with the TTW site to see if they have experience of which mod is known for having that problem.


For future reference: such questions are best asked in the "Technical Support" sub-forum. Not everyone scrolls through all the sub-forums.



Edited by dubiousintent
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Thanks for the replies. I actually deactivated every single mod and still there was no sky. I installed Nevada Skies and now I at least have a night time sky, i.e. I can see stars. I talked with Roy Batty a bit and he couldn't figure it out. I'll try to take a screenshot tomorrow for you. I'll also look through the bsa files to see what I'm missing.

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You have toggled the "ArchiveInvalidation" setting of your mod manager off-and-on, correct?


If this is a texture file issue (which it definitely looks like to me), then merely deactivating plugins will not correct things because files were likely overridden. Most mod managers do not restore overwritten vanilla files (because they are in the BSA files), nor remove "loose files" added by mods which override those in the BSA. You can "verify local files", but then will need to re-install mods to ensure they overwrite again. But at least that way you can pin down which mod is having the problem by checking after each install.



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