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Trouble with enb series


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I'm hoping for enb series help here, I hope my questions aren't TOO stupid/obvious.


I added it with Nexus Mod Manager, and that's where my troubles started. First, there are some annoying glitches in my Skyrim now. The worst is some sort of shading thing outdoors. The roads and some landscape features show up coal black where they should have the most "sunlight" on them. In a corona right around my character, the cobblestones look normal, every other part of the road shows up black. And the shadows are generally crappily done, one of the problems I was trying to fix with enb series.


Here's the thing. Ever since I installed enb series, NMM crashes when I try to start it. So I can't interrogate NMM about the problem, or use it to uninstall the mod. I can't even figure out where it loaded to. I know the name of the files I'm supposed to be looking for, and I've searched the drive and looked in my mod directory, the steam directory for skyrim, etc.


So, I assume I need to either modify the enbseries.ini to fix the problem, or delete the enbseries files. But I can't FIND them, and I can't get NMM back online, I assume, until I've fixed whatever it is that's upsetting it. Anyone out there care to throw me a bone?

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Remove the files and then try installing manually.

That's a big part of the trouble, I can't FIND the files. They're not in the mod directory I specified for NMM, they're not in the Steam directory or subdirectories, and I get a big "duh" from Win 7 when I try to search for them. But I know they're installed somewhere, because something is different. NMM is boogered up and the game isn't displaying correctly.


So where the @#$! does NMM install them, if it's not in the root or data directory of Skyrim, or in my mod directory?

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It isn't in the data folder I believe. It's in the initial Steamapps/common/Skyrim directory. Thats where mine are at least, i use the ENB Dark mod. My files from ENB are effect.txt, enbeffect.fx, enbeffectprepass.fx, enbpallet.bmp, enbseries.txt, and FXAA_Tool.exe.


Hope that helped! And also, don't install ENB with the mod manager, it probably placed the files in the data folder. Look for the files I mentioned and delete them/replace them where I said mine are.

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Thanks, I'll give it a look. Already tried to install it with NMM, and boy, am I sorry. Not only did it kill NMM, I even tried to do a system restore to roll it back, didn't work. At this point, the only other thing is to do a clean install. Not sure THAT would work, and I don't want to go through all of that steam nonsense again, either...
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