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[LE] Quest Stage Issue; repeatable stages not setting

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I have a quest marked as Repeatable quest stages and while a stage can be called and the stage fragment functions do in fact fire and work properly, the stage number itself does not change. Did I completely miss this fact or should they in fact actually change the stage when you set it? I have other quests that have had repeatable stages and I swear they have always been able to set their stage numbers back properly, but this quest doesn't seem to be able to. Any ideas?

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The stage should always be the highest number stage that was completed. So if you set stage 8 and then later set stage 5, the quest will still say it's on stage 8. The only way to go back to a lower stage is to reset the quest. You can use getstagedone if you want to determine if a particular stage has ever been done before.
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