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Weeping Angels


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It would probably be extremely hard to implement effectively, but that is a good idea, was one of the few kind of scary Doctor Who eps :D
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Try this link: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/763606-skyrim-who/page__p__6098067__fromsearch__1#entry6098067


or this.




Well, at first they would come in small numbers. Like at the start of a dungeon there would only be one in the first cell. But then further into it there would be more. But no matter what your gonna have to run.Thats what makes them scary, the fact that you can do nothing to fight them. Let me tell you right now, that the doctor (with you by his side) will be the only onewho can possibly stop them. Im also planning on doing 2 more mod quests after Angels in Sorrow, featuring some more of The Doctor's nemesis's.

Edited by PaladinVoci
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