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3D water SE?


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How would it impact performance?


And in my humble opinion, would it be worth it either way?


Real water rarely flows like that. Unless it's stirred by wind, rapids, waves or rocky bottom underneath of course. Even after rapids and rocky/uneven bottom flowing water quickly flattens down in rivers.


In many places in the Skyrim worldspace for ME it would hurt realism and a good graphical look more than help it.


I don't know how water in Skyrim works as I'm no mod maker, but I suppose if you could seperate different types of water and make weather and wind conditions affect water like the video above that would make for epic atmosphere by big bodies of water during storms or heavy wind. But it seems difficult if not impossible to do and I can only guess how it would impact performance.

Uh, just my two (Several, too many) cents mate :)

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  • 1 year later...

Tell Bethesda they are assholes for killing parallax in SSE

It's called Parallax. As far as I know, It's not available for SSE.

@azzendix @Pfuscher check this out! https://www.loverslab.com/topic/80225-parallax-occlusion-mapping-for-sse-proof-of-concept/ i dont know much about it except someone made a PARALLAX effect for reshade i have not tested much, im getting CTDs (I dont know if its because of the reshade or not) but it might work for you. This just might be what SE really needed!

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  • 2 weeks later...

That one doesn't work like the normal parallax ( we pmed) :/


If you want a little more depth for your water, a higher contrast to the red and green channels could help a little bit.

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