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Deleteable Enchantments/ Fortify Enchanting


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So i was thinking that it would be great if you were able to somehow be able to delete or clean up your learned enchantments. And it would also be handy to have a fortify enchanting skill enchantment. Seems like there should be one. There is a fortify enchantment for i think pretty much every other skill.


What does anyone else think on application, or feasibility?

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I can understand the deletion of known enchantments what with every school of magic having its own robe with a learnable enchantment. But the fortify enchanting enchantment was purposefully removed from the game to stop it from breaking. Let me explain, there are always 4 pieces of gear which can be enchanted with fortify skill, Neck slot, Finger slot, arms slot and one other which fits the skill best. Say you enchanted those to the maximum without having any fortify enchanting gear, using the Enchanters Elixer you'd get a Enchanting is 45% better on each of those pieces of gear. totaling 180% better enchanting, increasing your bonus from 125% (100 skill +25 potion) to 305%... now you'd enchant some new gear and get something like Enchanting is 115% better on each gear making the total 585% better, enchant some new gear and get 170% better on each gear, enchant some more and get 220%, and keep re-enchanting until eventually you get bored and enchant yourself a sword which does 10 million fire damage and has so many charges that you never have to refuel it from creation. Edited by Smizzy
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