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Runtime errors and undeletable SKSE in overwrite


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EDIT: I just discovered that I can't delete ANY mod in my mod organizer...

My game ran fine yesterday, I have a CTD at death alternative bleedout but I decided I could just tune the in game functions or delete it if I needed to. Then I stopped playing for the day.

I try playing today, and strangely there is a SKSE file I CAN NOT delete from my overwrite no matter how hard I try. I ran Mod Organizer on admin, I made sure I had admin privileges (Im the only account on this computer WHY DO I NOT HAVE THE PRIVILEGE TO DELETE MY OWN FILES).

Everytime I loaded my save it kept crashing after loading in due to a runtime error and that TesV was telling runtime to shut down the game. I thought I had seen every error that could happen in my time modding my game, but apparently not.

I'm assuming it has something to do with this pesky immortal SKSE file in my overwrite folder that appeared overnight...

I just want to play a game without all these problems...I love my mods but I spend so much time trouble shooting Ive probably troubleshooted 10x more then ive played...

I'm so frustrated and tired and I dont know what to do. I spent 6 hours modding 2 days ago, getting new mods, cleaning them with TES5, organizing them with LOOT.

All for it not to work.

I'm okay with it not working, so long as I can use mod organizer to try and fix it. But when my course of action is blocked by some BS admin verfication thing that shouldnt exist and I can't progress it makes me absolutely livid. I looked up some methods, but all of them seem non-direct and some seem over the top as well as outdated.

I'd be immensely grateful for any help on this matter .

I'm at a point where I want to delete the whole thing and just give up. I've spent hundreds of hours modding...but too few hours playing, I'm at a point where i'm fried and wondering if all this is even worth it.

Additional Information:

I have mod organizer in my skyrim folder
I have skse scripts as a mod in mod organizer with the ini settings
I can start a new game just fine without crashing, but I don't want to risk starting a new game only to have it crashing on me later.

The big problem still lies that I cant do FNIS easily if I have this immortal file in my overwrite folder.

ALSO any files created from the overwrite folder also become IMMORTAL...so I cant create and delete. Also these files are EMPTY bc the overwrite folder won't allow me to create a folder with the files in the overwrite folder, but it'' just create the empty folder that I can't delete.

Edited by PsiStream
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After extensive tinkering I found out that I can only not delete a select few mods.

They tell me I do not have admin privledges and I have even tried going into security and granting myself it only to have it not work.

These mods are either the hellspawn of the undeletable skse file in my overwrite folder or a mod for dark souls style combat. Other mods are capable of being deleted.

Because of these rascals I can't even delete mod organizer to start over.


It seems it isnt the mods themselves but actually the Meshes files inside them themselves that I cannot delete.

The meshes folder is the problem

Edited by PsiStream
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Have you tried to start your Mod Organizer/Computer? Could be as simple as that.


Also, make sure you haven't installed MO in your program files folder.

I've restarted my computer and MO (I assume that's what you mean by start)


Also my MO is installed in a separate STEAM folder in my DATA drive.


I assume this is why command prompt didnt allow me to delete it using cmd commands.


At this point I want to kill it with fire. Too bad nothing I try lets me delete these mesh folders or the MO folder in general

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  • 1 month later...

Did you ever figure this out.

I just bought a new gaming laptop and i am putting in a new build on a fresh install and starting/testing as i load the mods.


I have acquired an undeletable file in the overwrite of mod oganizer.

Overwrite > SKSE > plugins and nothing in the plugins.


I am unable to delete this. it doesn't seem to be affecting the the game running but i am concerned when i have to create the generated FNIS mod and it is still in there.

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did you install steam OUTSIDE of the program files folder?


Also MO should be installed directly to game directory you are using it for. In this case skyrim.


Not having admin privleges says you likely installed steam into a UAC protected folder like program files. This is why its strongly advised to NOT do that.


If you correctly install steam the file path should look like this : C:\Steam Even better is to install to seperate drive. I unfortunately only have one drive.


if you correctly install MO the file path should look like this : C:\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim\Mod Organizer


If for any reason you do have them correctly installed and it still doesnt work....then i would make sure you dont have any anti virus software interfering with MO.

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