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weird graphical issue


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i installed skyrim and it selects my graphical setting to ultra. I go in game and at the first loading screen with the dragon statue it just freezes and jerks but with sound in the background forever. i tried it with every single graphic setting and only low allows me to play, with no complications. Why is this?


i7 860

GTX 570




i updated my drivers but it still doesn't help.

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What OS are you on? Did you build yourself, or if not, contact tech support form whoever if you bought it, or had it built for you (the advantage of not diy-ing it)


@ Nirrtix -> When I first switched to Win 7 from XP it wouldn't let me run certain programs, till I logged in as admin and gave my profile full admin rights (my brother handled my software install and we didn't realize how much win 7 'safeguards' like vista. Or he got tired of helping me to fix my messes, din't ask) Some monitoring programs I still run in compatability mode as well, most of those have now been replaced with newer win 7 versions.


Assuming you havent already done so, go look at the Nvidia support site, and the Beth site, google the issue and spec and see if anyone else has the same problem. I can confirm that the gtx 570 should run Skyrim very nicely, my 570 autodetects to High spec which I can adjust upwards, running off a quad core, 4G ram, 500G HD.


Had a similar issue with my old ATI 4890 (same rig), would not run Alone in the dark in anything but 600x800, and I could run Crysis on xp on a partioned drive, but no longer than a minute on Win7 before doing what you've described. Even worse after a AMD driver update through Steam which I rolled back to the older drivers. Solved the problem by replacing it with the nividia card, which wont help you unfortunately. Without meaning to sound mystical, it just seemed after a while that the card did not like the setup, even after reformatting.


Perhaps check the tempratures - see PowderdToastMan's help on that in this topic to Nirrtix Laggy Skyrim Seem a right helpfull type.


Dont think its your hardware as much as some weird software issue, so set a sytems restore point so you can roll back any changes, and start looking at admin rights, rolling back you drivers, reinstalling Skyrim. Software is not my strong point, so just go carefully. Hope you get it running

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im using win7


I've had this PC for over a year now, it runs every single game fine with no complications but for some reason skyrim buggers up.


will re-install too see if it helps.

Edited by insanitywolfy
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figured out the problem


for some reason if I turn off Anti-Aliasing the game works fine everything else on ultra is fine too


dunno why that would cause it, sucks that i can't use AA now.


Read the tweakguide on geforce.com. You should be able to use AA: I can on my 460, but choose not to (instead forcing it through the graphics driver).

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figured out the problem


for some reason if I turn off Anti-Aliasing the game works fine everything else on ultra is fine too


dunno why that would cause it, sucks that i can't use AA now.


Glad you got it going at least, still strange about the anti-alias, mine sits on 8. Do you have any monitoring/management software for the card? ATI's catalyst caused some glitches in games till manual tweaking (giant ones in mirrors edge). Theres also a Nvidia tweak guide on Bethsoft's forums here.

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