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Vault Tec Rep and Sheffield refuse my offers


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After meeting the Vault Tec Rep and inviting him to go back to Sanctuary, I approached him and asked him if he wanted a job and chose all the responses except for "pulling his chain" and all he does as ask me "What are you doing? Pulling my chain again?"

After that, I can't engage him in dialog again... and he just becomes a bump on a log.


Sheffield after I give him the Nuka Cola once I get to the final option simply says "I... don't think so..."


I don't suppose anyone would have a clue as to what the "Foxtrot" is going on? =^_^=

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You actually have to win a Charm chance to get them to come work for you.

If its something else maybe your just not their type of ghoulfriend.


Mostly in cases like these I just play it where it lands.


Earlier today when responding to a distress call for the Finch Farm...

Well the Finch Family ran into my firing lane....


Im not reloading.

Or rather Im reloading with a fresh magazine.

Edited by gamefever
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I think it may be something else. On my last playthrough, I had the exact same problem and response from the Vault Tec Rep. I reloaded save games, etc. but it made no difference. I had maxed out charisma, so charming him shouldn't have been a problem. I'm wondering, do you use Don't Call Me Settler or any other big settlement management mods? One of those might be causing the problem. Personally, I quite liked the way Vault Tec Rep wandered around like a lost soul.

Edited by crawe1x
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