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I need help with my modlist, optimizing my game, throwing out mods you guys would not recommend etc.


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I need some help setting up this Skyrim build, it’s heavily modded. I dare to say I spent about a week of consecutive modding.
It contains the STEP 2.2.9, some mods from GEMS and some mods I found on Nexus on top of that. It runs at 60 fps for the most part, but sometimes the fps jumps up and down in big cities. I currently don’t have much time playing through the game troubleshooting, so I’m counting on your professional modding ideas, that I can hopefully work with somehow.

My rig: i5 4570 at 3.4GHz, 10 GB RAM, R9 290 OC’d.

What I need: make the game run at 60 fps without lowering graphics. Try to find conflicts, ways to improve the gameplay/looks/playability by disabling or adding mods, fixing the skyrim.ini and skyrimprefs for best performance/looks, checking the enblocal and anything you guys recommend.

I’m providing you all the logs, configs and also a load order from loot in the links below. I hope all the info provided is sufficient. If someone has some time to take a brief, or preferably an in-depth look, you would have my utmost respect and I’d be very grateful to you. Please. It’s Christmas!

Load order from LOOT: http://pastebin.com/qyiWDUTt

If you need anything else, just ask. I will upload anything you want (not including any nudes, lol)

Thank you so much.

TL;DR: Need help looking at mods, give some ideas plox.

Edited by LajkosMajkos
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So I made it run at 60 with 1024 shadows and some good ENB. The game seems to be ok, but maybe a little unstable. It crashes randomly when trying to fast travel or travel between indoors/outdoors.
Here's all the info necessary with my load order, ini's mod list. Can you please take a look mainly at the load order?


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1. The load order of your ESMs is incorrect. In general, your load order is quite messy. I don't really see any systematic approach in it. Try reorganizing your load order as described in this post.


This will also make further additions to your mod list much easier - believe me. :cool:


2. I see some alternate animations in your load order (like dual sheath redux), but no custom skeleton. I'd suggest using XPMSE.


3. Are you using "crash fixes" by Meh123? http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/72725/? If you don't have this plugin already, get it. It will make your game more stable.

Edited by Algabar
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