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Healing Hands spell harms the undead


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Is that possible to add to spells such as healing hands or heal other an effect that will harm the undead the spell was used on? That would be great for all the players that are trying to play as Paladin / Healer characters. At present the only way to increace level in restoration school is to get wounded and then heal yourself. That's kind of weak when we all play the way to not get hurt by the enemies. I'm aware of spells like turn undead or repel undead, but I didn't find those useful becase the fleeing enemy in most cases will alarm the rest of our presence.


My sugestion:

Healing Hands and Heal Other while used on the Undead provides 1/3 damage to health points that would normally restore.


If it's not possibile due too complicated scripts variations, making the new spells that works similar will do.

But those should use the same animation as previously mentioned, not the projectile or cone. We don't want to alternate the Destruction school.


I haven't found topic like this, so if there is such, don't be a douche about it.

Edited by Wunderwave68
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