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Stable Your Horse


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Not sure if it's just me, but I get tired of my horse(s) following me around when I fast travel. I don't use horses, I either walk everywhere or fast travel, my equestrian friends are essentially useless. Is there a mod (or console command) that will keep your horse put? I could see this kind of mod being useful with the various horse "whistle" mods out there.


But really all I want is my horse(s) to stop showing up when I fast travel. Any mods out there currently? Or modders up for the challenge?


Thanks :)

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This will be a popular mod. There are rare occasions when I DO want my horse, but not often. No sense dragging the poor creature around just to leave it standing where it can get shot or eaten.


The mod will be particularly useful if it can work with some kind of horse whistle.

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Like all beth games, they have a shelf life so you can always return later.


If you played Twilight Princess, I was envisioning a method like that. Otherwise into the default stable or an assigned stable (such as with a mod added house).

Come on CK! For me to be satisfied it has to support multiple horses, I already own several and I will want mod added horses as well.

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I thought of some features for this mod that might be worth considering. I've done little modding so not sure how easy/challenging they would be but I think these would make for a pretty cool Horse Stable / Whistle mod.


  2. Horse doesn't automatically warp to you when you fast travel. Optional: unless mounted when FT.
  3. Upon exiting a city's interior your horse could be automatically loaded at the nearby stable.
  4. Whistle: in exterior cells, have the horse load away from the player, then approaches player. If you've ever played Red Dead Redemption you'll know what I mean. This is pretty much an idea to improve immersion.

Just a thought. Ideas 1 and 3 I feel are pretty cool, 2's just an optional bonus feature I thought of. But for the most part I just want my dumb horse to leave me alone when I fast travel.

Edited by toastysquirrel
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