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The best Neck Seam Fix?


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So, yeah. Never really noticed until now, that my female Nord has an annoying neck seam. How can I get rid of it? There's TexBlend (which I never had in CalienteTools, oddly enough) and the vwr blender tool, which wasn't helpful at all.. there's always a seem. You have to juggle and play around with colours on that one.

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TexBlendLite if you use the default CBBE body textures. TexBlend if you're okay with the neck and upper-chest having CBBE-like textures while the face/body is different.

Otherwise, a texture mod that covers both body and face. There are quite a few out there.

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TexBlendLite is contained within the CBBE archive, as it always has been. Note that you need to have a face retexture mod installed.

Easier would be, as said above, to install a full face/body retexture mod. If you use CBBE, then you can check the mod list.

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TexBlendLite if you use the default CBBE body textures. TexBlend if you're okay with the neck and upper-chest having CBBE-like textures while the face/body is different.

Otherwise, a texture mod that covers both body and face. There are quite a few out there.


This is the best way by far!

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I did say 'default CBBE body textures'. If you have a retexture then the blend files wont look as good.

In any case, the blend files, when used correctly, are seamless. The CBBE FacePack uses it to make it seamless with the body textures. If you still have a neckseam, then it either doesn't have anything to do with the textures, or is an issue with the lighting in the game. See CBBE FAQ11/12.

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Yeah, I've actually been loading up the game several times now to test. And there does indeed seem to be a difference. It's honestly negligible at this point, and I may give it some finesse later, but it does seem to be doing something.


However, I noticed I have another problem now, an even worse one. There is quite a lot of discolouration in the face. How can I fix this? The face looks greenish, with a texture overlayed on it. I suppose it's a face texture.


EDIT: Removing Detailed Faces causes crash on load, with the message: "Skyrim has failed to load FootIK."


Once I enable the mod again, it loads no problem.

Edited by Prenihility
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I just ran TexBlend, and one of the options is bodyneckblend. I ran it, loaded up the game, and it didn't do anything. I still see a seam in certain lighting conditions. Also, I have a CBBE body retexture installed. Doesn't look any different to me.


It takes a few tries to understand how it works. After that you figure out how to use it for much more.

mess around with it you will get it ...

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