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In My Time of Need


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EDIT: My apologies. I assumed that my post 12 hours ago failed, as my computer froze when I clicked to post the topic. Please post in that thread, and ignore this one.





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Edited by Prosis
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I chose to side the Mercenaries. We can assume that they are from Hammerfell (my assumption was that they are and are loyal to that region). Hammerfell has seceded from the Empire and forced the Dominion out I do not see why they would want to bring someone to justice for speaking out against the dominion. It doesn't make sense that the reguards who are strong willed enough to split from the empire of the WGC are prepared to play puppets to the Thalmor.

I can also see the Thalmor deserting someone who helped them fairly easily especially if they weren't Mer. The thalmor show obvious disdain to non-elven races and would probably rather betray a human who had helped them rather than stick them in some kind of witness protection program.

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