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Modding the Title Screen / Main Menu!


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Hi folks,

I'm looking for some advice as to how to go about modding the effects displayed in the main menu & loading screen (smoke in vanilla). Note, I'm not talking about changing the background picture (that's easy). At the moment I am using a the "Smoking Hot Load FX" effects available from the ruffled feather mod collection in combo with the spinning Skyrim emblem & Imperial Crest Recolor mods. It looks fantastic!


But... for some reason I'd oh so love to make the fire BLUE! Problem is, I haven't the slightest idea how to go about doing that & haven't been able to find a mod that already does. The ruffled feather adjusts the intmenufogparticles.nif file located under meshes > Interfaces. I'm aware that advanced modders use NIF files to create new meshes, usually for armors or weapons. Though, I've no idea what programs are used or how I could go about simply changing the colour of the fire affects. Seems simple enough but perhaps not?


Wasn't really sure where to ask this question, so I'm totally throwing this out there! Any feedback would be tremendously appreciated!

Edited by MKeener
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Open the intmenufogparticles.nif file in NifSkope. (You can use the 'latest stable' on SourceForge for original Skyrim.)

In the Block List:

open the BSFadeNode labeled MainMenuEffects

open sub entry NiNode labeled PCloud02Fireballs-Emitter

open sub entry NiParticleSystem labeled PCloud02Fireballs

select BSEffectShaderProperty

Go to the Block Details pane

locate the Source Texture which should be textures\effects\FXfireAnim04loop.dds

locate the Greyscale Texture which should be textures\effects\gradients\GradFlame01.dds

back to the Block List

open entry NiNode labeled PCloud02Embers-Emitter

open entry NiParticleSystem labeled PCloud02Embers

select BSEffectShaderProperty

Go to the Block Details pane

locate the Source Texture which should be textures\effects\FXSkinParticleDissolveAnim01.dds

locate the Greyscale Texture which should be textures\effects\gradients\GradFireAtronach.dds


You will want to extract those source files from the game's BSA files. See if recoloring one or more of them will have the affect that you want. If they do, rename them and redirect the NIF to point to the newly renamed files. This is so that you don't change any other fire related meshes that might use the same texture.


Do keep in mind that this would be a modification of another mod's files. So if you wished to upload to share it, you'll need to seek out the appropriate permissions.


@NexusComa - The Ruffled Feather is now managed by STEP and is available on STEP's Nexus page for download.

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