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Need some help with oblivion crash


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I recently got a bunch of mods but now Oblivion crashes when I enter an area. My mods loading order is:



inventory tracker.esm


Mart's Monster Mod.esp


Lost Paladins of the divine.esp


Adonnays Elven Weaponry.esp


Kobu's Character advancement.esp

Imperial guards overhaul.esp


Deadly-reflex - timed block + very high damage

deadly - reflex- mounted spellcasting

deadlyreflex- combat moves


I'm at a loss here and would appreciate any help

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  • 2 years later...

When troubleshooting I recommend removing both deadly reflex and Streamline.

Deadly reflex because it changes so many things that it is a high probability of being the problem no mater what the problem is. Streamline as it makes changes to your video settings on the fly as you play. - also, streamline 2 is old. Streamline 3.1 has been out for over a year. but it is still a beta and will always be as the maker has vanished.


The problem you describe is usually caused by the game trying to load something that is not present. such as something taken out when you remove a mod that placed something important in that cell.


That is npt a very big mod list. you could try this:

Bben's Oblivion Revert to Vanilla game



This removes all mods and all traces of the mods.

Then see if you can go into that cell. make a save just OUTSIDE of the cell for testing purposes. Add one mod back at a time and test by using the save you made. It would be best to completely reinstall the mod and not copy from the saved folder.


When you get a working game, make a copy of the data folder outside of the Oblivion folder for a backup. then you can always go back to that backup.

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