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Telescope/Spy Glass


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Want a telescopic zoom view? If you play on pc (which I assume is the case since you want a mod) the console command (~) "fov 15" does nicely. (You can use some number other than 15, obviously; anything under 30 or so gives decent zoom, anything under 10 tends to be overkill).

Since its just a fov adjustment, you can still use all the normal controls (but will be seriously lacking in peripheral vision, so moving is rather tricky), I've used it to snipe people at long range WITHOUT the "Eagle Eye" perk, for example. Obviously you need to set fov back again when you are done; I normally run mine at fov 95, which is a lot wider than the default setting, and a bit wider than most folks like.

Its also handy for doing super-close-up screen shots of stationary objects. You'd be surprised how good the stock textures look when you blow them up so (for example) a druegars head fills the entire screen.

Edited by UncleAlchy
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I would use it for not only identifying what is what, but for planning out my assault on a fort, camp, etc. Maybe I'm the only person who likes to play the game with a bit of thought? o.o


No, you're not. I think this would be a good addition; like the spyglass in Rage, it could be something you add to your favorites or hotkey it to toggle its zooming effect. I have a 23 Redguard assassin character than only uses daggers & poison -no bow & arrow, no magic, only "whisper" shout & 1st level of whirlwind sprint- so a spyglass/monocular would be a welcomed addition.


I'm still really trying hard to figure out why, since Archer Type is mentioned, Eagle Eye wouldn't suffice. I suppose since it doesn't consume stamina.


I don't know if you're trolling or not, but you sure are coming across that way. The whole point of a mod is gamer preference, especially in games in the Elder Scrolls & Fallout series. I personally have hated the diaper look that Bethesda does in their games, but do I want a nude mod? No. Which is why I use a "different underwear" mod. I don't knock those who do use the nude mods (pervs, lol), I simply overlook the mods that don't apply to me, just as you should have done in this thread. Okay, you don't like this mod's idea/functionality. Duly noted. G'bye. Shold've been the end of it.


But you can play smart in many ways. By level 40, I had every word of Unrelenting Force...since most keeps (for example) have at least one raised part of terrain around the outer walls, I could just perch myself on one, use the shout, knock some guy off the ledge, use Aura Whisper, cast invisibility, since I had the two perks in the Eagle Eye tree, I could quickly run to the entrance of the keep and one shot every person that walked out.


Yeah, that tactic is good for your character, not mine. I want a godd@mn spyglass.


I don't see how it looks like trolling. Maybe my curiosity is coming off as a little too inquisitive?

I already stated I like the idea. I already said it's the player's preference. But I also mentioned alternative methods which still seem to be better.

I already said the mod wouldn't take away from the game, as no mod does, but add to it quite nicely.


It's not as though I'm being an ass. If that's how it's coming across then I apologize, but I haven't expressly disagreed, nor would it matter if I did.

At the same time, why would it be a problem if I was curious about the legitimacy of the item? That's like somebody having a problem with a disagreement over the immersion value of adding pistols to the game...


Trolling? I think not.

In fact, it's managed to bump the topic quite a few times to discuss the usefulness of the telescope in Skyrim, so I guess it just escapes me why this isn't a non-issue.

Edited by Allephus
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I don't see how it looks like trolling. Maybe my curiosity is coming off as a little too inquisitive?

I already stated I like the idea. I already said it's the player's preference. But I also mentioned alternative methods which still seem to be better.

I already said the mod wouldn't take away from the game, as no mod does, but add to it quite nicely.


It's not as though I'm being an ass. If that's how it's coming across then I apologize, but I haven't expressly disagreed, nor would it matter if I did.

At the same time, why would it be a problem if I was curious about the legitimacy of the item? That's like somebody having a problem with a disagreement over the immersion value of adding pistols to the game...


Trolling? I think not.

In fact, it's managed to bump the topic quite a few times to discuss the usefulness of the telescope in Skyrim, so I guess it just escapes me why this isn't a non-issue.


Can we please stay on topic? We still need a code.

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