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  1. +1 By the way, Ixionlnc, that video is EPIC!
  2. Plus the slow animation speed of getting on/off your horse makes it even worse.
  3. Can we please stay on topic? We still need a code.
  4. Yeah, sprinting and attacking could knock opponents down. Also you mentioned it being difficult to fire an arrow while galloping, well if you have the perk that makes it go into slow motion it would make it much easier, also make the perk more necessary.
  5. THANK YOU! So many times I see somone and wonder if I should go talk to them or get a sneak attack on them, and I agree with the planning your attack on a fort.
  6. Great idea, I think Winterhold should have the same type of armor as the battle mages from Oblivion in that one quest. (Blue hood, steel sword/armor, no shield) They would have say a random destruction spell in their left hand and a steel sword in their right hand.
  7. Windhelm has obviously fallen into disrepair, the cobblestones are cracked, steps missing and broken, snow piled up along the walls. I think once you take over the town in the imperial quests, or win in the stormcloak quests you should be able to fix it up, though it would take a while. Helgen could also use a fixing, maybe you could own the town after you do some quest, then pay money to fix it up.
  8. Wow same here! That's exactly what I thought of when I became a bard and he's like "AND WELCOME OUR NEWEST MEMBER!!!" and two people do GlaDOS's slow clap.
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