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Telescope/Spy Glass


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Seriously, no harm in Allephus's opinion, perhaps a bit excited about his/her pov, but... good points nonetheless - certainly hope you don't stop putting bumps on these topics Allephus.


I myself would love a fancy spyglass, something similar to what Morgan Freemans character had in "Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves"


I just hope the view wouldn't be that great or that far and when zooming in I'd hope the level of detail would not turn to crap, kinda like it did in fallout or when you're on a high mountain.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Personally, I'd like something like this. I have at least two characters where I don't even use a bow at all, and having a spyglass/binocular would be very useful. Especially for my assassin when I, as mentioned earlier by others, want to infiltrate a fort or something of the like.


Besides, I like realism. I think I even thought at a point that I wouldn't take the perk in the marksmanship tree even on my bow-user. If I do take it, just to reach the perks behind it (don't remember if there are any at this moment), I won't use it. I want some reason for WHY my character would be able to "zoom in" to further distances in a realistic term.

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