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Adopt the orphan in riften


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During battle while standing far away it suddenly screams 'fus roh da... fus roh da...' without any effect

LOL I love that one xD Nice thinking.


I absolutely support this idea. I hope we will eventually be able to have children with our spouses in skyrim, and watch them grow up.. but of course that's far off. This is something that could be done sooner I think and is a great option! I mean why shouldn't we be able to adopt kids from the orphanage?

I think the "Ahh.. dead body!" phrase would need to be disabled for your adopted child if they are able to travel with you, as that may begin to get annoying very soon xD

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I think this would be fantastic... especially if the child hung out at home or helped run a shop or even (if there were older kids, teens, etc.) maybe act as a squire... Or if the kid was kidnapped and you had to rescue


Definetely room for growth.

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I think I may have found a short-term way to make this happen:


Console Instruction - choose any NPC as follower by Loneshade


I haven't tried this yet, I just spotted it and posted it here. It could very easily break the game irreparably and give your monitor gingivitis. I'm just thinking, if it *does* work, it could be a basis to build a proper adoption mod with.

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To the Draugr Boss: "Wow.... you're really *ugly*...."


"Hey, that cloud looks just like a dragon breathing fire straight at us... Oh wait."


"Ok, while you do that, I'll just stand here and admire your superior parenting skills, m'kay?"


"Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet?"





A lot of this sounds like Ramy's Enfant from Oblivion, my favorite mod from that game. A fun sidekick with an attitude, not necessarily a combat companion. Comic relief.


Please, please some wonderfully skilled modder, implement this idea!!

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