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Protagonist or Hero?


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Now stop me if you've heard this one before... No, really. I haven't been through all 23 pages of Spoilers and their associated threads so it could've been quite adequately covered last year or something.


In any case...


1. Was anyone else dissatisfied with your character's renown in Oblivion?


Examples? Why sure!


For instance, I can understand NPCs addressing you as "the Hero of Kvatch" with no actual mention of who you are. Spoken dialogue can't include your personal choice of name, but what about the text? What about the "personal note" you receive after your induction into the Blades which reads: "To the Hero of Kvatch..." and not [insert your name here]. How about the statue built in your honor? Was it too much to ask to display "[your name here], The Savior of Bruma"? Did they run out of chisels?



2. Speaking of major accomplishments, is it me or were you not even the protagonist of that game?


Take this definition from Merriam Webster Online:


1 a: the principal character in a literary work (as a drama or story)


Was that your character? Or was that, say... Martin Septim? Didn't he lead the combined forces of the empire against Mehrunes Dagon? Weren't you little more than his most valuable foot soldier? This especially hammers home near the end as you race alongside Martin to the Temple of the One desperate to rekindle the Dragonfires and close shut the jaws of Oblivion only to be met by the Daedra Prince of destruction himself. It's a clash of epic proportions...


...which you watch the real hero fight, I guess. Might as well grab a bucket of popcorn, eh?


Anyone else feel your character should've received more focus?

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Before my computer crashed (character file was lost), I was playing a Dark Brotherhood character, who join the DB BEFORE Kvatch and saved (what was left of it) in DB armor. I think my character should not have received any praise for the deed since nobody should know his identity for obvious reasons.

"A good assassin is unknown and feared by the masses. A great assassin is well known a loved by the populous."

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I did notice that name thing and it bothers me quite a bit. In fact, the only places I can remember having seen my charater's name are:


- Saved game names

- Conjured creatures' names


Bethesda should really have added some other place where you could hear / read your name and be proud of it.


Similarly boring is that you can not complete the Arena using your real name. All the options were really obvious and I really took a random one.

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Before my computer crashed (character file was lost), I was playing a Dark Brotherhood character, who join the DB BEFORE Kvatch and saved (what was left of it) in DB armor. I think my character should not have received any praise for the deed since nobody should know his identity for obvious reasons.

"A good assassin is unknown and feared by the masses. A great assassin is well known a loved by the populous."

So I guess the Dark Brotherhood are good assassins and the Morag Tong are great assassins (at least in comparison).


Like the quote BTW.

Not necessarily. This is in reference to the individual assassin. In Morrowind, the Morang Tong is better, because it's legal, but, everywhere else, the Dark Brotherhood is better because they have more experience hiding in the shadows and aren't afraid to take morally questionable contracts. Like I said, the quote references individuals. If an assassin is loved by everyone, then no one will suspect that person is an assassin. Just look at real life. Would anyone suspect Johnny Depp of being an assassin? No, that's just silly.

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Thanks for the replies, though I'm somewhat annoyed most are related to ninja's quote.

Which tells me: A) I've not explained my self thoroughly enough to provoke thoughtful responses, B) Very few can identify with the presented situation, or C) Very few care.


Back on track...

I did notice that name thing and it bothers me quite a bit. In fact, the only places I can remember having seen my charater's name are:


- Saved game names

- Conjured creatures' names


Bethesda should really have added some other place where you could hear / read your name and be proud of it.


Similarly boring is that you can not complete the Arena using your real name. All the options were really obvious and I really took a random one.


True, in fact I can't recall ever seeing any personalized messages besides the aforementioned two. And it seems they can do it, because they've already done it. Which makes me wonder why decade old games can input your name in every text field available yet in a monster like Oblivion, developers didn't quite see the need.

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True, in fact I can't recall ever seeing any personalized messages besides the aforementioned two. And it seems they can do it, because they've already done it. Which makes me wonder why decade old games can input your name in every text field available yet in a monster like Oblivion, developers didn't quite see the need.

In old games, there was no, or very little voice acting. If NPC A is saying, "Hello, <charname>!" and there is no voice acting, then he'll say, "Hello <charname>!" However, if that bit is voice acted, he really can't. The game makers have no way of knowing what the player is going to input, or even how it's going to be pronounced. You take a look at a name like Gyiraaldhithlk and tell me you can pronounce it exactly the same way I can. Personally, I wouldn't like it if every single NPC butchered my name. Now I'm not excusing Bethesda, what they did was wrong. Many other games stuck the player's name in even voice acted segments just fine. They'd just stick in areas where the NPC doesn't actually need to say it, like above. The voice acted part would simply be, "Hello!" while, "Hello, <charname>!" would appear on screen.

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Before my computer crashed (character file was lost), I was playing a Dark Brotherhood character, who join the DB BEFORE Kvatch and saved (what was left of it) in DB armor. I think my character should not have received any praise for the deed since nobody should know his identity for obvious reasons.

"A good assassin is unknown and feared by the masses. A great assassin is well known a loved by the populous."

That's so taken from assassins creed , Or ubisoft stole it from google, Maybe it's a conspiracy ...

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Before my computer crashed (character file was lost), I was playing a Dark Brotherhood character, who join the DB BEFORE Kvatch and saved (what was left of it) in DB armor. I think my character should not have received any praise for the deed since nobody should know his identity for obvious reasons.

"A good assassin is unknown and feared by the masses. A great assassin is well known a loved by the populous."

That's so taken from assassins creed , Or ubisoft stole it from google, Maybe it's a conspiracy ...

Well, I never played Assassin's Creed, and I found nothing on Google.

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